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Old 04-28-2011, 08:45 AM   #1
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Default 产妇剖腹产死亡 伤口未缝合医生不见踪影

  为了偷生第三胎,一名湘乡籍产妇在即将临产的情况下,秘密来到株洲市荷塘区一家名叫博康的民营医院进行 剖腹产。6月11日,产妇手术中大出血,医生在“抢救”了5个多小时后突然没了音讯,家属情急之下破门冲进 手术室,发现孕妇已死,而医生不知什么时候走了。

  ■记者 刘璋景 实习生 王颜娟


  19日下午2时,株洲市博康医院。死者的丈夫曾毅悲痛欲绝:“我老婆生第3胎,害怕医院向计划生育部门 举报,才到这家民营医院的。”

  今年5月23日,曾毅秘密从湘乡将妻子接到株洲进行产前检查。依照《湖南省高危孕产妇评分标准》规定, 孕妇有过难产史(剖产),当时又检查出前置胎盘可以认定为高危产妇,博康医院应该向上级医院转诊。但是,博 康医院既没有向计划生育部门举报,也没有向上级医院进行转诊,而是直接预约了剖腹产时间。

  6月11日上午9点40分,曾毅的妻子被护士推进博康医院手术室。40分钟的等待后,armani,一个男婴呱呱坠地,手术室外的曾毅还没来得及高兴,医院匆匆告知:产妇要输血,必须马上交一万元。在场的 亲属很快将钱筹齐,但直到上午11点50分,血液才送来。而在耽误输血时间一个多小时后,医院突然下达一份 病危通知书,称病人大出血必须切除子宫。家属在交纳了2万元输血费后,手术一直持续到了下午。


  6月11日下午3时10分,见手术还没有结束,守在门外的亲属异常焦急。大约过了10多分钟,曾毅见里 面一个女工作人员不断跑到门外观望,急忙问是不是妻子出事了,对方却一个劲说没有什么事。一会儿,曾毅将耳 朵贴近手术室门缝,发现里面很久没有动静,用手推门发现,不知道什么时候里面被反锁了。

  “医生,医生,我老婆怎么了?”焦急的喊叫声,并没有引来医护人员。情急之下,一名亲属用力撞开手术室 大门,眼前所见让所有人都惊呆了。

  “妻子已经没有了呼吸,全身赤裸被绑在手术台上,床上、地上到处是血……”曾毅痛哭着向记者描述当时的 场景。让人心寒的是,曾毅的妻子当时伤口都没有缝合,医生就已经从后门走了。家属在死者的身上还发现了没有 拔出的注射器具。



  6月12日,株洲市卫生局会同区政府成立调查小组,负责调查和善后工作。相关负责人向记者表示,博康医 院各项行医证照齐全,但是抢救设施简陋,无血源,产科急救能力差。

  博康医院是否具备剖腹产的医疗技术水平?该负责人认为,医院经营范围有严格的标准,须由权威机构认定, 超范围执业以及聘用非卫生技术人员从事卫生医疗工作,意味着对患者生命健康的巨大风险,这种行为理应严肃查 处。“事件发生后,我们就组织专家组对医院方面的情况做了些了解,封存了医院的病史资料。”



  面对近来医疗纠纷不断的民营医院,湘雅医院某知名教授认为,目前大部分民营医院其执业许可证诊疗项目没 有审批计划生育手术科目,但其妇科门诊却普遍开展取环、无痛人流、药流等经营,有些甚至私设B超室,超范围 从事诊疗服务。专家还认为, 监管部门不应该仅仅采取罚款的方法对民营医院进行管理,更应该从技术指导等方面加以帮助。
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Old 04-28-2011, 08:48 AM   #2
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sheila65 is on a distinguished road

Progressively QuickBook software is pretty a great deal synonymous along with online accounting software package. Initially released inside the early nineteen-eighties, this software is extremely loved by small business people along with accountants. QuickBooks had been launched simply by Scott Create and Tom Proulx, the actual founders involving Intuit, after that the runaway achievement of Speed up. The and then new application was originally which will offer a strong accounting process for small enterprise owners who seem to had small if almost any accounting encounter. Shortly following its launch QuickBooks taken approximately 80% with the accounting software package market for small business owners. The firm still enjoys finding the largest industry share of the fiercely economical market. Because specialist accountants are not initially pleased with the 1st versions with the program, Intuit ultimately bridged in which gap simply by providing two times entry accounting features, full payroll trail features, and other necessities in which professional accountants looked at necessary. Thus, beginning inside the year 2000, Intuit provided both your Basic along with a Professional version with the software. And then, in the year 2003, the firm began to make available versions involving QuickBook that have been specific to a variety of industries.
These reproductions included accounts and workflow processes that have been industry certain. The Intuit plans included almost any terminology that's from the various positions the software package was devised for. So, along at the turn with the century, besides did specialist accounting corporations - folks that serviced numerous clients with different small business owners - have apropos software package,coco fund, it had been also on the market to contractors, merchants, manufacturers, non-profit corporations,coco converter, professional assistance firms, along with wholesalers. Simply because QuickBooks had been so profitable, a product that's targeted regarding medium measured businesses had been launched with May 2002. By March '08, the firm controlled 94. 2% with the retail units that have been sold inside the business accounting classification. Currently a lot more than 50, 000 separate business instructors, CPAs, and accountants usually are members with the QuickBooks ProAdvisor application. The merchandise continued to help evolve. QuickBooks currently include electric payment features, remote outsourcing techniques and payroll guidance, remote accessibility capabilities,good software to share, mapping attributes, marketing solutions, online checking and winning your ex back, as very well as enhanced email features. By 2008 you could potentially import Excel in life spreadsheets when using the software. Currently you will find online reproductions of QuickBooks available which can be supported simply by Mozilla Firefox, World-wide-web Explorer, and Safari for that Mac. It will also be accessed by way of BlackBerrys, iPhones, and Androids through the usage of web viral marketing. However the internet versions really don't offer every one of the features how the desktop reproductions offer. And quite many of the online attributes work in another way to than some people work inside the desktop reproductions.
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