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Old 04-28-2011, 07:19 PM   #1
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Default 班干部当餐馆饭托拿毕业宴回扣

涉世未深的学生被牵扯进宴席公关,究竟应该不应该? 任洁 制图

  高考考分公布了,部分大学生、研究生也毕业了,jimmy choo shoes on sale,班级宴请、师生宴请等就开始了,很多学生都卷入了毕业宴的热潮中。此时,很多餐馆瞅准了其中商机,纷纷使 出招数拉毕业宴会。竞争激烈,除了常规的拉客方式,不少餐馆甚至私下勾兑班长、生活委员等班干部,许诺给予 回扣,争夺客源。


  很多餐馆都对学生毕业宴的包席垂涎欲滴――一个班至少50个学生,毕业宴档次不会太差,人均消费至少8 0元,一餐下来,利润很是可观。由于是毕业,很多班级甚至要反复聚会几次,班级聚会后还有年级聚会,然后是 小范围聚会,平均每个学生要赴宴10次以上。于是,很多餐馆就开始绞尽脑汁想办法拉客。

  沙坪坝步行街一家餐馆称,高考一完,他们就开始跟周围学校毕业班的班长和生活委员联系。“不过那时候成 绩还没有下来,很多班干部心里都是悬起的,无暇顾及。分数一下来,营销人员们纷纷对这些班干部发起进攻。” 该餐馆一销售总监称,先是通过各种方法,找到班长、生活委员等具有决策权的人员的电话,然后再跟他们联系, 介绍历届毕业的师哥师姐在该餐馆的包餐情况和规模,最后还要请班长和生活委员亲自感受菜品一次,最后还免不 了送点小礼物,甚至许诺给以一定回扣。学生本来涉世不深,再加上恩惠,几个回合下来,订餐就八 九不离十了。


  沙坪坝某重点中学毕业班班长曾洪兴(化名)就吃到了餐馆给的甜头。“虽然拿了几百元回扣,但我事先还是 考察了餐馆的。同学们吃下来感觉都还不错。”言谈中,曾洪兴很是得意,他表示还有几台毕业宴也将推荐给该餐 馆。

  另一家餐馆称,他们通过网络的方式搞学生攻关销售,效果蛮好。先在学校的论坛上发帖子,介绍餐馆和菜品 ,然后等电话,只要一有学生联系,马上派人去接学生过来体验。他称,学生里没有一个不上网的,周围餐馆太多 了,一般负责的头头都是先通过网上了解后,再反复比较价格。相邻的班级还可以互相推荐,来订团聚餐的学生就 会越来越多。“至于给订餐人的回扣,则是多少不一。有的几十元,有的上百元,主要看宴席的数量。”该餐馆负 责人称,还是有部分班干部很纯洁,拒绝收回扣。

  据悉,有的餐馆甚至提早准备,很多高二的班长和生活委员也进入了他们的名册,经常打电话问好,发短信祝 平安,为明年的订餐打好基础。



  餐馆老板称,从他们的观点来看,回扣勾兑班干部属正常行为。找到订餐决策的关键人,班上的班长或生活委 员,并让他们产生购买欲望,这个公关活动就完成了,商家认为这是最行之有效的方法。

  不过,很多人都不赞成这样做,一学生家长说,学校乃一方净土,学生还没有什么社会习气,如果在学校就开 始搞社会上那一套,贪点小便宜,那学校就不单纯了。他们希望孩子在学校花时间和精力学习知识本领,其他方面 接触少一点。

  “同学每人凑份子的几十元钱,都要吃回扣,太不地道了。”市民吕先生认为,虽然回扣数额不高,构不成法 律问题,但班干部的吃回扣行为很不道德,餐馆也不该用回扣来“污染”这些幼小的心灵。

  但也有家长认为,孩子提前接触社会上的这一套没什么不好,“反正早晚都要碰到类似事情,还不如先学习。 ”



  冯全光 重庆师范大学教授

  学生在学校除了学知识,也要学习为人处事,如何跟人打交道,因此,提前参加商业活动,提前涉世也不是坏 事。

  在我的弟子里,有的专业知识很强,有的会为人处事懂人际关系,还有的弟子二者兼有。在这几种类型的弟子 中,二者兼有的弟子发展速度最快。我认为在完成学业的同时,提前接触社会也是好事。比如这个案例里,商家勾 兑班干部,这对于班干部也是一个考验――面对勾兑,班干部该怎么样看待,如何处理,如何决策,这对学生都是 锻炼。


  张磊 重庆文理学院教师


  在如此幼小的年龄,班干部们就学会了这一套,以后身居高位那还得了?在公司,这种人必然会吃公司的回扣 ,当了官,谁敢相信这种人能经得起诱惑?孩子们是社会的希望,其身不正,将来的社会何以为正。
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Old 04-28-2011, 07:22 PM   #2
Posts: n/a
Default 50 mg tramadol

Tramadol - drug, stupefacient analgesics, belongs to the opioid receptor agonists. Possesses putrid analgesic activity, provides a short and lasting effect. Concedes, despite that, the vim of morphine at the notwithstanding dose (euphemistic pre-owned in high doses, each to each). Effective with the introduction into and parenterally.

Availability and usage

Tramadol is usually marketed as the hydrochloride salt (tramadol hydrochloride); the tartrate is seen on rare occasions, and rarely (in the US at least) tramadol is available for both injection (intravenous and/or intramuscular) and oral administration. The most well known dosing unit is the 50 mg generic tablet made by several manufacturers. It is also commonly available in conjunction with APAP (Paracetamol, Acetaminophen) as Ultracet, in the form of a smaller dose of 37.5 mg tramadol and 325 mg of APAP. The solutions suitable for injection are used in patient-controlled analgesia pumps under some circumstances, either as the sole agent or along with another agent such as morphine.

Tramadol comes in many forms, including:
*capsules (regular and extended release)
*tablets (regular, extended release, chewable, low-residue and/or uncoated tablets that can be taken by the sublingual and buccal routes)
*effervescent tablets and powders
*ampules of sterile solution for SC, IM, and IV injection
*preservative-free solutions for injection by the various spinal routes (epidural, intrathecal, caudal, and others)
*powders for compounding
*liquids both with and without alcohol for oral and sub-lingual administration, available in regular phials and bottles, dropper bottles, bottles with a pump similar to those used with liquid soap and phials with droppers built into the cap
*tablets and capsules containing (acetaminophen/APAP), aspirin and other agents.

Tramadol has been experimentally used in the form of an ingredient in multi-agent topical gels, creams, and solutions for nerve pain, rectal foam, concentrated retention enema, and a skin plaster (transdermal patch) quite similar to those used with lidocaine.

Tramadol has a characteristic and unpleasant taste which is mildly bitter but much less so than morphine and codeine. Oral and sublingual drops and liquid preparations come with and without added flavoring. Its relative effectiveness via transmucosal routes (i.e. sublingual, buccal, rectal) is similar to that of codeine, and, like codeine, it is also metabolized in the liver to stronger metabolites (see below).

The maximum dosage per day is 400 mg for oral use and 600 mg for parenteral use. Certain manufacturers or formulations have lower maximum doses. For example, Ultracet (37.5 mg/325 mg tramadol/APAP tablets) is capped at 8 tablets per day (300 mg/day) due to its acetaminophen content. Ultram ER is available in 100, 200, and 300 mg/day doses and is explicitly capped at 300 mg/day as well.

Patients taking SSRIs (Prozac, Zoloft, etc.), SNRIs (Effexor, etc.), TCAs, MAOIs, or other strong opioids (oxycodone, methadone, fentanyl, morphine), as well as the elderly (> 75 years old), pediatric (< 18 years old), and those with severely reduced renal (kidney) or hepatic (liver) function should consult their doctor regarding adjusted dosing or whether to use Tramadol at all.

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