: search forward to CR-48 out with the Usa, for the world We understand that Google ideas free of charge distribution of 60,
Windows 7 Professional,000 units CR-48 is employed to check Chrome OS, is mentioned to Currently additional than 14,000 have been issued , and the delivery appears to be gradually closed the door , then yet another 46,000 units in the end is going to be how you can provide it? If you ever study CR-48 Q & A page , you will find the second question is p> We received a large number of CR-48 through the global use of the request , unfortunately due towards the need for product certification is not presently able to send it outside the United states . We are working through the certification, hope to serve your country as soon as possible , Thank you for understanding ,
Windows 7 Pro Product Key! so that they do is look outside the CR-48 U.S. release planned,
Windows 7, in fact,
Microsoft Office Ultimate 2007, open the application page in the first day had the choice of countries , indicating that Google has long been considered in this respect : where it stuck in it? 3G is one partner may be the problem . We know that CR-48 from your network is a gorgeous tile (HTML 5 offline application , or rare animals ), since it is a mobile laptop not a desktop machine, then the 3G connection is essential, but The CR-48 can only use Verizon 's CDMA2000 network , even if sent to areas outside the United states can not be utilized. Google in various countries need to find a suitable co- operators, activities will likely be on trial here . Although Google recently very close dealings with Verizon , but do not forget the T-Mobile HTC Dream is the first Android phone operators ,
Office Pro Plus, so if Google may also release free version for WCDMA SIM card CR-48, this may speed up the CR-48 international pace , after all, so together with the cooperation of local operators on quite a lot of flexibility . we look ahead to CR-48 as soon as possible out of the United states, the world now . Via Chrome OS Site , love the Internet, fell in love with Vista123.com