A squirrel came to visit and ran up to the roof portion of the screen enclosure. This was not an unusual act for the squirrels of the neighborhood, however, this day Singh took exception to the act and decided to give chase. The cat went up the screen side panel as if it had stairs. When he continued onto the angled back roof panel he was hanging upside down. So far, so good. The squirrel panics and moves into retreat across the screened roof away from the approaching cat.
The priceless part was that once Singh was stopped on the drain, he looked left, then right, then up towards the surface. Meanwhile my Dad is emptying the pockets of his shorts, kicking off his shoes and preparing to rescue the cat! Singh now pushes off the drain, headed to the surface toward the opposite side of the pool from my Dad and this was the long way out of the pool. He broke the surface and swam like a pro for the edge of the pool. Singh then climbed out of the pool and made his way to the house and into my room completely avoiding my Dad as he went!
The most basic principle of positive thinking is - "whatever we think about expands", so if we're constantly thinking about "doom and gloom" we will get more of it. Having everyone be aware of "doom and gloom" has not made it go away. What will make it go away is a change in focus and taking positive action accordingly. And that change in focus begins with each of us as individuals. Even if you do have to listen to the merchants of doom and gloom at least keep it to a minimum!Here's a wonderful quote on courage by Mary Anne Radmacher, to finish this article (please use it and share with those who simply need some inspiration during the current challenges we face):"Courage does not always roar, Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow"
Living in Florida in the 1960's was a simple lifestyle, we lived in a pool home with a screened enclosure. Singh was an indoor cat who had the joy of access to the pool area where he spent time watching the wildlife of the area stop by in their travels. This was the life for this cat, open airy space with birds to watch, sunshine, a warm pool deck to lay on. All was bliss until that fateful day.
5. Stop listening to and reading about doom and gloom - yesterday I was at a talk and even though I pretty much have stopped listening to the media, who are in the main selling misery to the masses, the speaker reminded all the business people present that it wasn't helping any of us in our business to listen to the merchants of doom and gloom, in fact it's possibly making it worse
cheap oakleys sunglasses! And of course they are getting paid for bombarding us with such soul destroying negativity! They are painting a picture far worse than it really is and even if it's as bad as they say its still best to focus and celebrate and be grateful for all the great things in our lives and in this world of ours. Make a choice today in your life to stop "buying into" the misery and buy into what makes you feel good
What Makes a Guy Fall in Love - Keep His Enthusiasm Up!_1372!Remember the greatest failures are often steps to the greatest successes. And the fact that you are alive and have a life means you're already a success. And that's the place to begin again!
I learned that cats can swim quite well and do not seem to have a problem with being underwater! Just because they usually avoid water doesn't mean they cannot negotiate it! This has been just one of my Cat Tales, I hope you enjoyed it.
Enter my Dad, running from in the house he yells out "Singh, get down!!!". Singh is now over the deep end of the pool at its edge. The cat reacts to my Dad's insistence by letting go of the screen where he is hanging upside down attempts landing on the pool deck edge. Singh, in an error of judgment, misses the edge of the deck and lands in the water! In the grand fashion of all cartoon cats he rides to the drain on the slope of the pool as if he were skidding to a stop down a hill front legs extended compensating for the angle!
If you own a cat then you have Cat Tales of your own, guaranteed. This tale is from my youth and about my first Siamese Seal Point cat, his name was Singh.