India BilcareLtd company has signed an agreement , will be about 1 million euros ( 892.4 million yuan ) to buy IneosGroup the company's global film business.
acquisition includes IneosFilms in North America, Europe and Asia factory related business , assets and all the staff.
both sides said the agreement is to achieve a capacity of two leading multinational complementary and synergistic .
IneosFilms company CEOIainHogan said: The two sides will bring together the great potential of excited me .
Bilcare 's research and development through a combination of strengths and my company's extensive production and application of knowledge , will bring great strategic fit force.
IneosFilms pharmaceutical blister packaging products company , printing and decorative films for the sleeve , capsules and plastic shrink film credit cards .
The company has approximately 1,300 employees in Germany, Italy, India and North America, has a production plant.
its annual production capacity of thin film is about 14 million tons,
medical equipment design, with annual sales of about 2.4 billion euros.
based in Pune, India, Bilcare companies engaged in pharmaceutical packaging and research , to provide clinics for the global test supply services ,
furniture design, and in particular expertise in security technology .
its production and research facilities in India,
new product development process consumer products, Singapore , the United States and Britain.