The older you get, the more of a necessity it becomes to develop an active lifestyle. In fact, I'd say that if you wait too long, the harder it becomes to change the old,, sedentary habits you've built over a lifetime of living that way. So as each year goes by, the more you need to think about sitting down and making a decision that fitness needs to become not a goal but a lifestyle habit that never dies. Whether or not you are hitting 40, the best way you can do that is developing the habit of activity.
Consider using lifestyle hacks to do just thatwhy work hard at fitness when you can work smart? Here are 4 ways to do just that.
1. Ride a Bike
How much easier could it get to work fitness into your life than to start riding a bike to work? Of course, this usually requires living somewhat close to where you're employed, but many people don't realize how close they actually live until they actually give it a go.
Riding a bike is perhaps the most healthy,, efficient forms of transportation known to modern man, and simply making the choice to forgo a car and start pedaling around when possible can do wonders for your wallet and your life without a lot of strain.
2. Nights or Mornings at the Gym
This might seem like a moot pointafter all, we all know we need to spend more time in the gymbut don't think of your new gym membership as a race to fitness excellence. Instead, think of it as a lifestyle habit you need to form.
In fact, I suggest not even going there with the aim to get a workout at first. Instead, make it a night where you and your family heads down to play aroundmaybe by shooting some basketball,, going for a swim in the pool, or spending some time in the racquetball courts.
The aim isn't to get yourself ready for competitive sports; the aim is to develop a routine where you go out and move around a little bit. Later, you can push it harder, but for now just focus on building a habit of activity.
3. Pick Up Healthy Hobbies
Another great way to work more activity into your life is to put some thought into the types of hobbies you develop. Instead of spending all your time on the Internet, playing video games, or watching televisions,, try to adapt some hobbies that get you breathing.
Take up hiking or rock climbing. Buy a surfboard. Join a martial arts school. The easiest path to fitness is that of the weekend warrior.
4. Saturday Hoop Games
Another great way to get that fitness you need is to join up with some old friends and start meeting up once, twice, or three times a week to play a pickup game of a sport you like. It can be softball, flag football, rugby, whatever
but I like basketball because of the overall health benefits it provides as well as its timelessness.
No matter how old you get, basketball never gets old.
You might even consider checking out in ground basketball hoops and setting up a small home court. Then you can have all the boys or ladies meet at your place so your basketball nights don't take too much out of your schedule (not to mention that home court advantage you can get by shooting hoops when you have the inclination).
By incorporating some of these great fitness hacks into your life, you can really reach fitness at any age, and if you've got children, it is even more essential to start working this type of healthy habit development now (especially with the rate of childhood obesity these days). Thanks to your sweet little road bike, in ground basketball hoop, play nights at the gym, and active hobbies, you will be fitter than you were coming out of your teens.
And you'll love every minute of it
About The Author
If you'd like to check out some great in ground basketball hoops and bring your fitness routine directly to your front door, check out now! With long sprints, stop and go action, and coordination,, there are few sports that bring as many health benefits as basketball!