People buy benefits ... and are naturally attracted to something which suits their needs. They are egocentric - and only interested in 'WIFM.' (What's in it for me?) Understanding this can make a huge difference to your sales writing. The key to persuasive writing is focusing on consumer benefits.
People look for value in something. Value is always relative to what you are selling. So, think about what you offer: what added value do you give to customers? Maybe you offer a free service, a guarantee or a 'No fix no fee' policy? Perhaps you have specific expertise - or can offer exceptional after sales service. Once you demonstrate added value, you'll persuade more customers to buy from you.
People buy from people. Because one of the key functions of your brain is to interact with others, it makes sense to present yourself as an approachable, friendly company. Knowing this, can help you write better copy. Try these ideas for size: use a conversational style of writing in your sales copy; include testimonials in your sales materials; have photos of yourself and satisfied customers on your website or blog; organise case studies describing success stories.
People are naturally suspicious of the unknown. Many customers will stick with what they know, rather than risk money on something new. So, it's important to back up your claims with facts, endorsements, testimonials etc. This strategy will give you more credibility.
People like to try something out first before they commit and will often use their senses when making a buying decision. How can you incorporate more opportunities in your marketing for people to experience what you do? Possibilities could include: a free offer/trial; an E-brochure; a portfolio or video/audio message on your website.
Once you walk in your customers' shoes - work out how they think and feel - you will be further down the road to mastering sales copy.
The next step would be to consider comfort. Is the mattress hard or soft? Is it made from a specific material? Is it hypoallergenic? Ultimately, your decision may well be swayed by whether you think you'll be able to get a good night's sleep in the bed you've chosen.
Imagine you are in your local furniture store hoping to buy a new bed. You may well be armed with a 'must-have' tick list. Or maybe you are looking for a specific size, shape or manufacturer. What if all the beds are a similar size, shape and quality? How do you decide?
The good night's sleep is essentially what you buy, not the bed frame
100 Free Gift Cards - How About Free $1000 Gift Cards_3265! Once you think of selling as what added value a product gives to customers, sales copy becomes easier to write. Ogilvy tapped into an important truth: people make decisions based on their emotions and perceptions. Exploring this can pay dividends.
The key to connecting with clients
In the early stages of your career you may not be able to find a qualified manager to take you on as their client. If this is the case, don't be afraid to allow a close friend or family member, who is HIGHLY motivated, assist you for the time being. If someone close to you sees your potential and is willing to help you get started
Oakleys Store, they can be even more helpful than a Manager who puts you on the back burner for his more established clients.At this point you should be marketing yourself through every avenue possible. This means getting your music in the hands... and ears... of as many people as possible. Artists have taken many different approaches to this over the years as technology continues to evolve.
Once you have created a Marketable Image, and you have written Quality Songs, your next step is to begin building a Fan Base.Fan Base Building a Fan Base can be a daunting task, but it is an absolute necessity if you hope for any record label to take you seriously. One piece of advice I will give you is to seek out any help you can find in completing this requirement, because building a Fan Base will likely take some assistance.One key person to enlist is a Manager. Managers often have many connections in the industry including club owners, promoters, other artists, and even record label executives. Of course, you will have to do a lot of marketing on your own, but the help of a qualified Manager can be the difference between your success and failure.
Advertising genius, David Ogilvy , famously said, 'A good advertisement is one which sells the product without drawing attention to itself.' When you think about this for a second, Ogilvy seems to contradict himself. Surely you have to talk about the product to sell it? Or is there a more subtle explanation?