If you want to try horse riding but you do not know how,
http://peepmypeeps.com/drupal/node/45765#comment-17075, this article will surely help you find ways to learn horse riding. Riding a horse is not complicated no hard to do. Just like in any other activity and endeavor,
http://blog.readnovel.com/blog/htm/d..._13971311.html, if you put your heart and soul to something,
http://habitatoakland.net/Forum/inde...6022#msg356022, nothing is impossible. This also applies when it comes to learning how to ride a horse.
Here are some of the ways where you can learn how to ride a horse;
1. There are different horse riding schools in almost all states so I suggest that you enroll in a school which is not far away from home, a school who has complete facilities as well as clean,
http://club.sz.net.cn/page/topic/tblThreads.do?method=searchOne&threadId=1000341960 2&newThread=yes, neat peaceful and friendly environment. You would not want to learn in a school which is filthy and unorganized. Remember that you are paying their services so it is just appropriate that they provide you with great facilities and great horse riding lessons.
2. Another way is for you to hire a private instructor. If you have enough money to hire a private instructor, then I guess it is a great ideal since the instructors attention will only be focused on you. You can ask your instructor a lot of questions. Just like in any other training, it is always a good idea to have one on one session so you would not be distracted and you can always focus on the lessons that is provided by your instructor.
3. Believe it or not, you can also learn riding the horse from self-help books. Yes you read it right. There are self- help books which cater to the needs of busy people who are willing to do anything in order to learn how to ride a horse. There are even eBooks online which are available and also discuss on how someone could ride a horse on their own. These options are great for busy people who do not have time to enroll in riding schools and do not have enough money to hire a private instructor.
About The Author
With these three ways discussing how to learn horse riding,
http://pandasthumb.org/archives/2011....html#comments, a horse fanatic would not think twice in doing any of these suggestions.