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Old 05-11-2011, 04:39 AM   #1
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Default 转帖 用不一样的角度解读《风语》

继《风声》之后,麦家,这个擅长以谍战为主题的作家最近又推出了他的新作《风语》.作者以曾从事情报工作的 经历,以虚构的手法,再现了抗日战争时期国民政府"中国黑室"的成立及所建功勋.小说虽然是虚构的,但从中 可以看见一些曾为抵御日寇做出卓越贡献的英雄的身影.
麦家书中提到的美国"密码之父"海塞斯,也就是真名为雅德利的"中国黑室"教官,历史上确有其人.雅德利, 1889年出生,美国印第安纳州人.1912年,他来到了华盛顿,任美国国务院的机要员,开始他只负责抄收 和破译一些密码和文件,随着工作的不断深入,雅德利渐渐地迷恋上了这份工作.从此,他将破译密码作为自己终 身追求的目标.
1919年,雅德利向美国国务院递交了一份备忘录,建议聘用密码专家和专门的机要人员,成立一个密码组织. 不久,国务院和美国陆军部同意了他的意见.于是,美国"黑室"诞生,也就是现在美国国家安全局的前身,专门 负责破译情报部门获得的密码信息.从此,雅德利就被人们称为"密码之父".
1929年3月,美国保守派人士史汀生接任国务卿,两个月后,这位新国务卿发现了"黑室"计划,大发雷霆并 予以强烈抨击.他认为君子不得窃他人之秘密,这种手段是非常卑鄙下作的.同年10月,存在了10个年头的" 美国黑室"被这位国务院勒令关闭了.离开"黑室",找不到合适工作的雅德利穷困潦倒,流落街头,生活非常窘 迫.
1937年,抗日战争爆发后,国民政府被迫迁都重庆.而日本军队穷追不舍,开始了对陪都重庆的狂轰滥炸.面 对日军野蛮而准确异常的轰炸,国民党军队束手无策.明明知道有内鬼在用电台为日军传递情报,指示目标,但又 找不出来.急得国军将领们不知所措,像热锅上的蚂蚁一般.
一个偶然的机会,有人向政府当局推荐了"密码之父"雅德利.于是,在得到了一万美金年薪的承诺后,他于19 38年来到中国,帮助中国开始筹建"中国黑室".
不久,雅德利领导的中国黑室取得了成功,在破获了日军的高级密码后,政府当局逮捕了为日本人充当间谍的高射 炮团团长,蒋介石的炮兵顾问韦伯等人.从此,日军在以后的轰炸中不得不受制于重庆的天气和稍后改进的防空炮 火,从而收敛了许多……
1940年7月,雅德利离开了生活两年多的重庆,启程回国.在结束了漫长的破译生涯后,雅德利在自己的家乡 开了家饭馆,但生意惨淡,他亦无心打理.
池步洲,1908年生.这位与共和国元帅林彪、开国上将萧克、王震年龄相仿的情报天才是福建省闽清县人.1 937年卢沟桥事变爆发,抗日战争开始后,他毅然回国,积极投身到这场关系到民族危亡的斗争中去.在好友的 推荐下,池步洲进入国民党中央调查统计局,负责侦收、研译日军密电码工作.
1941年12月3日,池步洲破译了一份日本外务省致驻美大使野村的特级密电:①立即烧毁一切机密文件;② 尽可能通知有关存款人将存款转移到中立国家银行;③帝国政府决定采取断然行动.参考此前译出的日本搜集到有 关美国檀香山海军基地的情报,他做出判断;日本对美国的开战时间确定在星期天;地点是檀香山珍珠港海军基地 .
当这个情报呈送给蒋介石后,他十分震惊,立刻向美国方面通报了情况.美国总统罗斯福对这份来自中国的情报没 有给予足够的重视,因此未采取有效的防范措施.4天后,震惊世界的珍珠港事件爆发.
池步洲的另一件功绩是击毙日本海军大将山本五十六.偷袭珍珠港成功后,山本五十六率领日军迅速向东南亚进军 ,相继攻占英、法在东南亚的属地,控制了马六甲海峡.
1943年4月18日,山本五十六及其随从人员分乘两架专机,由6架战斗机护航,到前线视察,目的是鼓舞日 军士气.
当时,池步洲获悉了关于山本五十六出巡日程的电报.一份是用日本海军密电拍发的,通知下属山本五十六的到达 地点;一份用其他密码拍发的,同样内容,通知日本本土.他迅速将破译出的情报,向蒋介石汇报,蒋马上向美国 军方进行了通报.随后,美军派出16架战斗机去执行袭击任务.由于情报准确,美国空军将山本五十六的座机击 落.作战的第二天,美国搜索队在原始森林里找到坠机残骸,山本五十六手握军刀,横倒在残骸旁边 .
由于情报工作的特殊性,美国和国民政府都未公开池步洲在抗战中的贡献.抗战结束后,池步洲反对内战,不愿继 续从事密电码研译工作,转到上海中央合作金库从事金融工作.上海解放前夕,他自认一生清白,拒 绝撤退台湾.
1949年5月,上海解放后,池步洲以"留用人员"的身份,在中国人民银行上海分行储蓄部作办事员.195 1年4月,全国开展镇压反革命运动,池步洲以"抗拒反动党团分子登记"罪被捕.随后被判处有期徒刑12年. 直到1963年5月,他才被释放回到上海.
1983年3月,池步洲在国民党中央调查统计局时的同事,上海市政府参事室参事李直峰(原中统局少将专员) 等人证明:池步洲虽身在中统,但确实没有参加过特务组织;他所做的工作都是为了抗日大业,均有利于国家民族 ,不但无罪,而且有功.
上个世纪九十年代,他同妻子白滨英子回到日本,从此过着平淡的恬静生活.2003年2月4日,池步洲在日本 神户逝世,享年96岁.逝世后,他的骨灰被带回中国安葬.
2003年,在抗日战争胜利58周年之际,福建省闽清县政府在台山公园为池步州立碑,以此纪念这位抗日功臣 、破译密电专家.
自古以来,从事谍报工作的人都是精英,abercrombie fitch,都聪明绝顶.但由于这项工作特殊性、保密性强,历来强调做"无名英雄",故此使得很多人一生默默无闻,鲜 为人知.但我相信,人民不会忘记,历史不会忘记.他们的业绩永远会让人们牢记,他们的英名会在人民心中永存 !

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Old 05-11-2011, 04:41 AM   #2
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22129153 2009 年 02 月 22 日 14:33 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Constellation Story

Aries: Aries representative of the evolution
birth, life, self-consciousness is the Into a constellation of 12 personality characteristics of any person: artistic, clever, tender, aggressive, and got a little older, workaholic, strange, etc., but also must meet any special features the principle point. So you have the 12 constellations Aries has the original impulse.

Taurus: Taurus
representatives access to the possession, not only to the possession of material, as well as spiritually. They have a big appetite and want to get any of the wealth of value: money, love, talent, knowledge, character, skill, beauty, winning, fame ... ... and so on, 12 constellations are pursuing material and spiritual, Taurus hope owned and into its own. So you see a chase of 12 constellations are busy chasing greedy Taurus.

Gemini: Gemini is the chameleon performance
, Fairy Queen, can use their own multi-faceted exhibit the characteristics of any of 12 constellations, you can feel their style of each person and ideas and even ideas, so you see here from the Gemini constellation indistinguishable from the phenomenon of 12 features which distinguish him in the end is what constellation (of course in addition to the twin who else can show it.) But in the end what he Puer, he can not tell, read music, right?

Cancer: Cancer is a chain to make up
, if possible, be able to sign no matter what 12 people gave a home to link up to form an organization, a warm little community. Cancer of the achievements you see, do not forget the achievements of which the contribution of 12 constellations. Missing piece of their own points to make up for the position. They can not find fault with any of 12 constellations in love with people, change their own and 12 constellations form a perfect family. Other signs with you?

Leo: Leo gathering
want infinite energy,tory burch on sale, that is, have the power of 12 constellations can do, the Lions are willing to try things he would do anything himself, and then No one can not listen to him. He represented the 12 constellations of the integrated power, whether positive or negative - so Leo not have their own special personality, self is the most special personality. But all the energy focused on it all for their service status and personality.

Virgo: Virgo is the essence of life experiences
. Each of the 12 constellations of the essence of a small part of the fault out to form their own perfect spirit. Such as the beauty of Aries enthusiasm Leo Taurus Gemini exhaustive exercise flexibility and so on - to take this to serve the public purpose - to 12 constellations achieve the best for everyone. Critical of their own to let others not picky.

Libra: Libra
cooperation as a 12 as the twin faces. The difference is Libra, and 12 of these faces are used to balance the equals sign, and Gemini is used to make fun of. Libra in the fire before he was water in front of him in the soft steel. He is a striker in front of the Aries, Capricorn in the Taurus in front of him - anyway, just for your tastes and the mutually beneficial atmosphere, he would try.

Scorpio: If the 12 constellations
penetration is 12 lines of text, then Scorpio is the Is not unique in that he: has a more than 12 of the 12 signs of the zodiac constellation of profound psychological - also impulsive than the Aries, Taurus has more than greed lust,tory burch 2011, but also smooth and slick than the Gemini, Cancer is also kind and tender than than lions overbearing conceit, than virgin still preoccupied ... ... etc etc, so Scorpio,tory burch reva, you will not familiar, right? 12 deepen every kind of experience and are not unique as his specific.

Sagittarius: Shuttle
12 constellations are there if the boundaries of self, then the striker will be able to limit the scope of the changes to the unlimited swelling disappears, the free shuttle in 12 patterns of behavior self. That is not necessary as the Sagittarius constellation of 12 contests so extreme, he was just pondering.

Capricorn: 12 Capricorn constellation of precipitation
precipitation. Capricorn though a bit boring, but inside the 12 constellations in a quite a few elements, but were precipitated filtered to stay honest cheer the bottom. Whoever temper, he has a point, do not get angry easily, but

Aquarius: variation
a constellation of 12 polymerization and condensation, there is water bottles so that the deviation of the 12 constellations. He hoped that in a completely different way to present their own, provided it is not common in the range of 12 constellations. He liked to be inside the 12 bit variant of the personality of a But still ranks as one of their own,tory burch boots, but only 12 Constellation 12 features so much.

Pisces: Pisces is a comprehensive
12 constellations in the constellation of the most comprehensive, almost all aspects of the 12 constellations and the sum of features - whether good or bad is not removed, there is no exclusion,tory burch outlet, so Pisces heart must be large, and it is a loss, is sublimation,tory burch sale, it may be corrupt. It contains all the possibilities
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