By: Ginny Cheng Since its announcement previously this 12 months, there’s been loads of buzz around one of Microsoft’s newest items -- Silverlight, formerly known as WPF/E. As our devoted visitors, you are invited to a Live Meeting Chat on Monday, September seventeenth, from 3-4pm PST (6-7pm EST) to learn more about this cross-browser, cross-platform plug-in that enhances media experiences and rich interactive applications for the web. This technology also supports interactive video experiences from full screen high-definition graphics to mobile scenarios. The hosts for this free chat will be Alan Liu, a Software Design Engineer/2006 Waterloo grad, and Brian Goldfarb, the Group Manager in Developer Marketing/2002 Duke grad. Interested? Just go to and click on “high brainwidth” and then “live meetings” to register,
Office 2010 Serial! If you end up attending, feel free to let us know what you thought of it. - Ginny