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Old 05-25-2011, 12:15 PM   #1
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Default onitsuka tiger rotation 77 那买烤鸭的人就多的不得

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19.一次在食堂吃饭边吃边聊,突然发现自己把一块饭掉在了外面,暗自觉得浪费粮食对不起农民伯伯,就捡起 来吃了。可是后来发现那饭,好像不是我的……
又发现一个更猛的孩子写道:张海迪姐姐不但学会了外语,还学会了针灸,她那么顽强地学习,终于 瘫痪了!
39.公司里有次犯晕了,想去上厕所的,不知不觉走到到纯净水的机器面前,看着大半桶的水,居然也没反应过 来,“兹”的一声把裤裆拉链拉开...忽然间冥冥中猛的反应过来,“兹”的一声又把拉链拉上,什么都没发生 似的回座位。还好旁边没人。后来想想,估计那阵子是工作太忙了。。。
31.二十几年前俺老妈洋洋洒洒骑着二十八寸的凤凰男式自行车送我一岁多的妹妹上幼儿园,到了幼儿园她极度 潇洒的使了招螳螂后摆腿,感觉磕着了啥。她也不为意推着车就往前走,走没几步后面有人在大喊“同志,这位同 志……”俺老妈扭头一看,俺一岁多滴小妹妹保持坐姿吓呆袅横倒在地上,至此之后的二十几年,俺滴妹妹死活都 不肯坐俺老妈滴自行车,这个恨也恨二十多年……
32.喜欢把瓜子全部嗑了吃。鬼使神猜,全部嗑好后,把盘子里的瓜子仁一古脑倒到垃圾桶,看着另一盘瓜子壳 发呆。
“喂,老四啊,onitsuka tiger rotation 77,我老五,寝室有人吗”
47.姐姐有一个手机和一个小灵通,有一天改了个新手机卡,有同事问她新买的号码是多少,她说忘记了,就用 换过卡的手机拨自己的小灵通。拨号的时候继续和同事聊天,小灵通响了之后,她拿起来问:“喂?……喂?…… 你说话啊,不说话我挂了!”
43.大学的时候和室友一起回家,进门后一起换衣服,突然看到一只小强,她就上去pia了,然后拿着小强的 尸体就来吓唬我,我很怕虫子,一紧张开门就跑出去了,她很兴奋地继续追我。。。都到电梯口了,才“醒悟”过 来,发现我只穿了内衣,她。。。。。只穿了小裤裤。。。。幸好楼道里没有人。。。。
26.打电话给财务找一个叫周春梅的出来,babyliss pro nano
小强说:"我最讨厌两种人!一是有种族歧视的, 二是黑人,三是不识数的!"
18.一次去市场买菜,准备聚餐,一个韩国朋友买了生菜,要2块4,他把身上所有的零钱都给了小贩,还缺一 毛钱,所以他对小贩说--
8.哥几个玩魔兽。辅导员查房,大怒,一把抢过鼠标,把桌面魔兽的快捷方式拖进回收站,清空,曰:让你再玩 !
27.有一次在学校吃早饭,前面一同学刷卡,机器没反应,再刷还是没有,很郁闷说,机器坏了,我说让我试试 ,刷了一下卡,机子还真没反应!他再换了个,还是一样,很气愤!收了卡刚想放包里,发现手里拿的是银行卡, 我狂笑!他指指我的笑得更厉害,原来我拿的身份证!
42.炒菜的时候电话响了.接完电话直接把电话放菜盆里面.结果和菜一起到锅里了.然后看着锅里的手机楞了 半天才赶忙拿出来.还好当时炒的是莴笋..要是麻婆豆腐...就完了...
51.一朋友去逛家电,看到地上摆着一个家用体重秤,此友体胖,见到秤就想去试试。于是马上踏了上去,“嘎 嘣”一声,事后证明,那个是一个电磁炉。
11.看中了双手套,老板要35块,我说30块我就要了,老板不依非要35,讲了几个来回不肯让步,我想想 就算了,给了张50块的,他很麻利的找了我35 。。。。
6.前几天单位吃饭,一小年轻同事要了一瓶大雪碧,给大家倒了一圈,轮到自己的时候瓶子空了。于是该同事晃 着雪碧瓶对服务员说:“这个还有吗?”服务员屁颠屁颠地跑过来,接过瓶子仔仔细细地检查了一遍,一脸诚恳地 说:“没有了。”
23.一次去买热干面,前面有一对情侣正在买,老板问他们要不要放香菜,男的说不要,女的说怎么不要 。
3.某日发现手机不见了,翻遍包包以及屋中各个角落,未果。遂郁闷地跌坐地上,从口袋掏出手机,给大家群发 短信:我手机丢了
1.中午去存钱,排队时一美女在后面问我:“存钱是吗?”“恩!”“我正好要取钱,反正你要存,不如把钱给 我,咋俩就不用排队了。”我想想觉得有理,于是把钱给她了。
46.有一次上计算机课,我一边给男朋友发信息,一边很勇敢的大声对老师喊:“老公!我的电脑没连上!”闹 嚷嚷的教室瞬间安静了。5秒之后全体爆笑。老师是个50多岁的小老头。
44.有一次吃饭前去卫生间洗手,一看见镜子大脑突然短路,很熟练的拿杯子牙刷,把洗面奶挤牙刷上,哼着小 曲刷了个牙出来了,还一边奇怪怎么今天的牙膏味道不对。
24.高中时上学起的很早,早点都是老妈弄好我放书包带学校吃,一般就是馒头包子,周日不上课老妈做了稀饭 ,我也不知那根筋抽了,端起稀饭就扔书包里了...
28.上大学的时候,有一年开学,宿舍老五在火车站打电话到宿舍看看有没有人在,打电话到宿舍老四接 的。
10.一次大家打麻将停电了,就点根蜡烛继续打,后来有人嫌热,嚷嚷“喂~把电扇打开”大家忙劝“不行不行 ,蜡烛会被吹灭。
30.坐地铁进闸,拿手机在闸上狂刷,还一直和后面等我的人说怎么刷不出来呢,机器坏了吧。。。汗。 。。
48.一日同学去中关村转悠, 一小贩凑过去问, “要硬盘不?便宜” 同学拿过来看看,说:“有多硬?”
4.邻居忘了带钥匙,从我家阳台翻过去,在屋里找到钥匙后,又翻回来,再打开自家房门。更令人叫绝的是,我 自始至终在阳台接应着,未觉有不妥之处。唉,我俩的脑袋肯定被同一个门缝挤过。
52.第一次用公交IC卡,上车后我主动向司机亮了一下卡片,就径直走向座位。不想,司机说:“读卡”,我 便对着IC卡,认真读:“合肥市公交IC卡~~”,司机说:“到那边读”,我便走到司机指的地方,用尽全力 念道:“合肥市公交IC卡……”
40.野炊时摸出烟盒中最后一支烟点上,直接把zippo丢大火堆里把烟盒放回包里,仍旧烤肉,后炸出一堆 火花烫坏2人衣服还毁了2碗饺子
14.本人姓朱,prada online outlet,管理单位机房。有次有人打我手机:“鸡科长,你在猪房吗?”当时狂骂那家伙一顿
29.早上左手一个塑料袋里面满满是零食,右手一个塑料袋是垃圾,早上打开垃圾箱“梆”一下扔了个袋子。然 后提着另一个施施然到了公司,中午饿了要吃零食的时候打开柜子才发现里面是一袋垃圾。


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Old 05-25-2011, 01:11 PM   #2
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Killer Whale, The Largest Dolphin
Orcas have one draft aperture,Pittsburgh Steelers jerseys, and they breathe air in aloft the apparent of the water through their blow hole, which is located on top of their heads, above their eyes. Orcas are very vocal. They make a variety of sounds that sound much like clicks, whistles, and even screams. These sounds are used to communicate with anniversary other when hunting prey, and for alliance purposes. Each individual pod even has it's own emphasis, which makes it accessible for members to recognize each other.
Even though they are called whales, they in belong to the dolphin family. Since Orcas are between 27 and 33 feet long, and weigh between 8,000 and 12,000 pounds when they are absolutely grown, with the males being beyond than the females, they are indeed the better dolphins in actuality. The males can live as long as 60 years, while the females can live to be as old as 90.
Orcas, aswell accepted as Killer Whales, rule the sea. They are only endangered by animal beings, as no other sea animal could possibly be a threat to them. Orca's are predators that will even advance other types of whales. Even with the crisis that they represent, to both humans and other sea activity, they are still considered to be one of the most majestic creatures in the ocean, and millions of people travel a long way every year, in hopes of getting a glimpse of them - from a safe distance.
Orcas are black, with patches of white on their derma. Their heads are annular, and they have actual characteristic beaks. Orcas have a large sickle shaped dorsal fin,Colorado Rockies Jerseys, and ample flippers that are typical of all dolphins.
The after fin is located on the top of the Orcas aback, and the males dorsal fin can be up to six feet tall, while the females is only about four anxiety tall. Orcas can travel at speeds of 30 miles per hour. Orcas reside in pods. The pods are small, and operate just as close families do. These pods are made up of 6 to 40 Orcas, and pods break together throughout their absolute lives. Members of the pods work together to assure the young, as well as the ailing and afflicted associates.
The members of the pods coursing together, and work together to bolt their prey. They survive on a diet of angle, squid, sharks, whales, seals, turtles, octopus, penguins, and sea gulls. Their teeth are typically about 3 inches long,New England Patriots jerseys, and 1 inch in diameter. An average Orca eats an estimated 550 pounds of aliment each day or added. While Orcas do not drift, they may travel hundreds of miles in adjustment to bolt melancholia prey.
Orcas can be begin fact close amnion, as well as arctic amnion. Pods can be found in coastal amnion,New York Yankees Jerseys, as able-bodied as abysmal waters. Orcas have been found fact every ocean in the world, so they are not habitats of any particular altitude or breadth - added than alkali baptize.
Orcas breed from winter to aboriginal spring near the surface of warm waters. The gestation period is from 16 - 17 months. The babies, alleged beasts,New York Giants jerseys, are born between October and March. The calves are able to swim within thirty account of getting born, and weigh up to 400 pounds. They are about 6 to 8 feet long at birth. In most cases, each female only gives birth to one dogie. Twins are attenuate. The dogie usually stays with it's mother for a year, and sometimes best.

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Old 05-25-2011, 01:17 PM   #5
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Default A Faithful Church Maintains Its Separate Existence To be able to Defend True Doctrine and Practice

The catholic church comprehends all that profess the accurate religion. There exists a lawful and crucial division of it into sections in respect of nearby situation. But when a quantity of individuals,True Religion outlet bearing the Christian title, combine collectively being a distinct society, for the purpose of keeping and propagating doctrines and practices, which, rather than belonging to the true religion, are contrary to it; they ought not, regarded as like a blend, for being referred to as a lawful section of the catholic church (i.e. constitutionally, according to their public character and profession--RB). It isn't denied, they belong towards the catholic church (in as far as they, as people, profess the truth--RB); nonetheless it is denied, that there must be any this sort of area or division in it.Hence, there must be no area of the catholic church, acquiring for the peculiar conclusion of its unique subsistence, the support of episcopal hierarchy, unidentified with the Scripture,True Religion outlet online of your propagation of antipaedobaptism, or of anti-scriptural doctrine, in opposition to that of God's election, redemption, effectual calling as well as conservation of his people today, as delivered inside the scripture; or for the support of tactics and implies of divine worship not found in Scripture.If your catholic visible church had been brought to an appropriate discharge of her duty, she would abolish all this kind of sections. But no culture ought to be referred to as like an unlawful area, while it may be shown that it subsists like a separate culture for no other end, than for the retaining of a little something in the doctrine, worship or government of the church which belongs to your Christian religion as delivered in the term of God, or for exhibiting a testimony in opposition to prevailing problems and corruptions which the scripture involves the catholic church to condemn. These kinds of a profession of any party of Christians is no sectarian profession; as well as a union with them will not be a sectarian,Jeans outlet but properly a Christian union; and, being cordial and sincere, is actually a union in Christ; and communion on the floor of this union is absolutely Christian communion.Conversely, nonetheless significantly of our holy religion any human body of Christians maintain in common with other people, and however a lot of them we might charitably judge to be saints, nevertheless though their distinguishing occupation is contrary to your word of God, communion with them, as a physique so distinguished, is sectarian communion; because it implies a union with them in that which must be rejected from the entire catholic church.
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Old 05-25-2011, 01:25 PM   #6
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zq8j8ha3b5t is on a distinguished road

9-year-old boy can only speak from the belly drain urine

9-year-old boy does not p> Jinqianzaixian hearing, Mr. Yin said, if not . However, until now, Xiaotao only waist-long sporting a long pigtail, looks just like a girl, 9 years has been fighting the deadly disease.
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However, the out. As the family financial hardship, the parents did not dare to go for anal Xiaotao surgery.
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Hospital for treatment, but doctors can treat the possibility remains that are too small to be transferred to hospitals outside the province better.
hope that caring people from the disease early can help Xiaotao trouble, but he was really the man named. Caring people can Xiaotao newspaper news hotline 96677 or contact the parents, Tel:; 15185125096.
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