Once we need to reinstall WIN just about every time, MBR will probably be rewritten so that the initial GRUB or LILO will be gone, or for some cause the original GRUB gone, this time within the line so long as reload GRUB.
GRUB reload You can find a number of methods, this method not work, attempt it one more way:
one. start using the set up CD, pick an upgrade installation, after which only decide on to install GRUB line.
2. Commence with the set up CD, enter linux rescue to BOOT there is certainly to enter rescue mode to the # command prompt,
Microsoft Office 2010 Key, kind chroot / mnt / sysimage, then enter the grub-install / dev / hda, get ...
3. no floppy generate how to fix grub / lilo boot menu?
a. the first installation disk within the dosutils linux directory to windows disk. If the iso can winrar3 extraction.
b. into pure dos, entry dosutils directory, execute loadlin autoboot / vmlinuz root = / dev / hdxx () hdxx is your linux root partition. This can be able to entry linux.
c. execute grub-install / dev / hdx (x = a, b, c, d) or lilo boot that may be overridden.
also can refer to: www.linuxfans.org/nuke/modul...iewtopic&t=5101
4. If you use grub to boot linux and windows, when windows Something is wrong with re-installed, will destroy the MBR of the grub, then must restore grub.
a. the very first linux set up CD into the generate, then restart the machine, the system used in BOIS the drive to boot.
b. out of such installation interface, press [F4] key, which is the linux rescue mode.
c. a keyboard and a number of simple preparation, once to [continue to] the. . . This process, I do not say, is relatively simple.
d. then such a prompt:
sh #
e. we can manipulate GRUB. Enter the grub:
sh # grub
there such a prompt:
we can in the back of such a character, enter:
grub> root (hdX, Y)
grub> setup (hd0)
If successful there is going to be a successful ......
where X,
Office 2010 Professional, if it is a disk, is 0, if you have installed linux root partition within the hard disk within the second, that X is an a; Y, is equipped with a linux system where the root partition. setup (hd0) GRUB is to write the MBR about the hard disk.
yet another said, is there anyone that I did not install the CD ah? I installed from the hard generate. Oh, then your ISO files are still in it .. then come back into the installation interface to set up second hard drive is the same. ...
5. Ways to delete GRUB or LILO?
executed so long as the DOS FDISK / MBR within the line ...
how you can configure grub ?
modify / boot / grub / grub.conf file. Where
Boot menu is displayed, if x seconds, the user does not opt for, then grub will start the default entry.
other common items I use the following example to illustrate:
title Red Hat 8.0
root (hd1, 6)
kernel / boot/vmlinuz-2.4.18-14 ro root = / dev/hdb7
initrd / boot/initrd-2.4.18-14.img
including inside the boot menu list shows the name
root (hdx,
Office 2007 Serial, y) is used to specify the location of your boot partition, if you do not have sub-boot partition (boot partition in this case no points), then point root partition on the trip, hdx is the drive where linux, hd0 is the first hard drive, hd1 is the second block, and so on. y is the partition location, starting from 0, which is equal to the partition number by 1, for example you want to point the partition is hdx7,
Office 2010 Professional, then y is 6,
Office 2010 Professional, if it is hdx1, that y is 0. Note that root back to have a space.
kernel / boot/vmlinuz-2.4.18-14, where into the path of your new kernel to the line.
ro do not have control, write no wrong.
root = / dev / hdxx specify the root partition, in this case is hdb7, so the root = / dev/hdb7
initrd xxxxxxxxxxxxx this line do not