if you do decide to buy a
stitch digitizing software program, remember that you will need to learn how to manually punch designs. every tool that comes with the program will need to be mastered. the tools to master are many including stitch types, stitch angles, in and out points and compensation among others.
i’m a teacher, who happens to be a digitizer and this comes out in every question i’m asked. i don’t seem to be able to give a simple answer to a simple question on the subject of digitizing. i guess i don’t feel there are any simple questions when it comes to
tape digitizing.
the background of a designer often gives insight to the emphasis they have in their
digitizing embroidery designs. once again, i haven’t conducted formal surveys, nor am i a statistician. simply observing many designers and embroidery shops has brought me to the conclusion there are generally two backgrounds for today’s designers.