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Old 05-30-2011, 08:46 AM   #1
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央视一定很奇怪 为什么仅仅一秒只有一秒的时间 朱�基就可以获得比出镜率如此之高的江泽民甚至胡锦涛温家宝更多的关注;
不知有多少观众和我一样 在听到康辉说“胡锦涛、江泽民”时就开始等待着“朱�基”三个字的出现 我们耐心地等着 直到李瑞环、尉健行都已相继出现 我们等不及地问着身边的人 朱�基呢 你看见了吗;
位置的前后 时间的长短;
于是 镜头短暂地停留了一秒 随后一闪而过 其实这一秒 同时给了三个人 可我 却在看到他满头银发之时眼圈一热心头一震;
没有经历过文革的血雨腥风 无法体会当年十里长街送总理的心情 只知道周恩来曾经在那个动荡的年代以一己之力挽救了许多革命者;
没有经历过改革开放的浪潮和经济特区的巨变 无法体会那句亲切的“小平你好”寄托着人民怎样的感情 只知道邓小平拯救了濒临瘫痪的中国经济;
可我们 恰恰都是沐浴在朱�基的阳光雨露中成长的 从某种意义上说 我们就像是温室里的花朵 经历着新中国建国以来最稳步快速发展的二十年 而这二十年 恰恰是这位现已白发苍苍的老人呕心沥血的岁月;
我不是经济学家 我也不懂得高深的经济学知识;
但是我出生在朱�基上任之初 亲身经历着他所带来的巨变;
我只记得 小时候妈妈的工资仅仅是几十块一月 03年温接手时以可以以千为单位衡量 在朱任上 很多百姓的工资都翻了近二十倍;
我只记得 03年时 也是有很多人买不起房子 可那时候很多工薪阶层并无买房之忧 而现在 买房已成为很多人心头的一块病;
我只记得 十岁生日时 听到街上市民口中骂朱的声音不断 随后才知 因为他的铁腕严厉 很多只食俸禄不做事实的国企员工被迫下岗;
我只记得 初中时 张昌龄老师曾在地理课上说 堂堂一国总理 在九江决堤后 对着政府官员直言大骂是王八蛋工程 而他的形象没有因为这几个脏字有丝毫损毁;
我只记得 温文尔雅的温家宝接任总理之时 家人的许多亲朋好友来家做客时无不潸然落泪 就好像自己的一位亲人即将离家远行一般;
我只记得 04年暑假去北京 汽车经过朱�基住宅时 身边一位同行者对他老婆说 朱卸任后 很多人都试图暗杀他 他的生活比在任时还要艰难;
我只记得 07年暑假 一位以色列白人对我说 “Most aliens believe namely JZM namely a vase, but ZRJ is a marvel.”;
我只知道 书店的《朱�基答记者问》在书店已多次卖到脱货 我买的一本正在被家中多人传阅 人歇书不歇;
如果有幸 我能活到60岁 在新中国百年华诞之际 我多么希望会有人像记住开国总理周恩来一样记住朱�基 是他 让中国经济真正强了起来 是他 曾经把中国带上了一条正确的轨迹;
如果有幸 我多希望在那时 有许多和我一样白发苍苍的老人相聚在首都北京 在这座国际化大都市中感受身为中国人的骄傲 在心底默念对于朱总理的缅怀之情;
如果有幸 我多希望60岁时 对膝下儿女子孙淡淡历数朱�基曾经做过的每一件事实 曾经整治过的每一位贪官 曾经铿锵有力说过的每一句豪言壮语;
如果有幸 我多希望那时 已历经百年沧桑的中国可以让这位祖国功臣青史留名 可以给予他公正的评价和更多的赞誉 可以正视他的功勋伟业;
如果有幸 我多希望 像朱�基一样活着 你可以用权力抑或手腕打压限制他 可他过人的才华令古今中外震撼 他廉洁无私的内心让千万百姓惦念;
生子当如乔致庸 为官应若朱�基;


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Old 05-30-2011, 08:47 AM   #2
Posts: n/a

Learning to walk, carrying her husband walks allowed.

correspondent reporter Qisheng Yong Han Bing cut text / Chart

a car accident, her husband became a vegetable. A virtuous wife, do not abandon, do not give up, to endure hardships thousands of hard, picking a home.
vegetative state was able to work in the fields of

autumn, Haixing County Rural East Wangcun Xiangfang, 39-year-old villager Wang Yanjun and villagers harvest the same day as busy sowing non-stop, he can cut corn, moving crops, grow wheat,tory burch flip flops, everything can be done farm work, but he walks very slowly. For the first time to see people who can not think of him, this is determined by the hospital a few years ago my life in bed, without thinking, eating and drinking Lazard have to rely on others to help in the vegetable.
Wang Yanjun to reporters on his head, there is still a large collapse, which is a devastating car accident a few years ago to leave the scene. Car accident, has made him completely lost memory. He repeatedly said that the sentence is Women farmers face the sun. like old boy, but knew that Thanksgiving, human courtesy.
a huge car accident to a weak woman test

Kouxiu Ying's story is from the January 30, 2006 began. Prior to that, she and her husband Wang Yanjun opened a small shop in the village, taking care Gongdie, teaching his son, though not wealthy family of four passes, but U.S. happy.
that morning, Wang Yanjun riding a motorcycle out of the law. Soon, the villagers heard that gripped the information Kouxiu Ying, Wang Yanjun coastal highway in a car accident! In a corner with another motorcycle collided with a Fleet of Foot, and the other is also dead and another injured on a motorcycle.
to the hospital, Wang Yanjun more than 20 days has been unconscious, his head up as big as a bucket, strange faces, people did not dare look. Hospital diagnosis: fracture of left leg, abdominal swelling, meningeal out, brain contusion, part of the skull collapse, stroke, hydrocephalus. More than 20 days, he was revived, but the left limb paralysis, aphasia, incontinence, transfixed.
the accident suffered heavy losses to both sides, under the coordination of the traffic police department, medical expenses borne by each. More than 3 months of time, Wang Yanjun spent Kouxiu Ying borrowed from relatives and friends at 16.4 million, which at the time a farmer is undoubtedly an astronomical figure.
this period, also some Kouxiu Ying said, no do not rule out, people are paralyzed, silly, and cured useless man is a drag. Doctors judge, Wang Yanjun hit because of the brain, I am afraid only paralyzed life in bed.
Kouxiu Ying said firmly, This is the day when the head ah?
spend all the money, and had to go home. Friends and family, folks came to visit, a dozen days after the family began to restore calm. Han looked at the bed will not say what is not know,tory burch flip-flops, feeling numb, bruised husband,tory burch bags, think of a dozen million foreign debt, frail Gongdie, reading out the son, the family burden all of a sudden pressure in his own a thin woman, does not become open canteen, rely on later in life? Kou Xiuying extreme sorrow and grief in mind, can not help but burst out crying, just crying all wood the body. However, after crying, had to calm the face of life, all life had to accept the grant.
Wang Yanjun after discharge can not eat, eating through the intubation. Kou Xiuying good egg porridge, and then wait until the appropriate temperature, using a needle to the cannula in the play, watching the tube Flanagan, Kou Xiuying often involuntarily tears. After increasing day by day to send food intake, 3 months later, Wang Yanjun to mouth to eat, and replaced with egg soup; and 3 months later, she tried to transform his tricks to cook food. At this time, from a car accident more than 9 months later, after eating this off.
Wang Yanjun discharge incontinence, urinary catheter use treatment, the stool to pull the diaper needs to be replaced, the body clean. Wang Yanjun stool once, Xiuying have to move him back. He has to prevent bed sores, at least two hours had to turn a body. Wang Yanjun height and weight, each move he Biede weak Xiuying blush rough. Lifting Wang Yanjun, Xiuying heart wanted to someday be head ah? Tears fell down inadvertently.
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Xiuying think her husband is really like a baby, and all had to start from scratch.
Wang Yanjun discharged in six months time, a day long lethargy. In order to restore his mind, Xiuying every day to his head with a wooden comb massage, talking to himself in his ear,tory burch sale, then struck his hand he began to try to make dates, beans. When he made progress in his mouth and place a candy give, and then guided his tongue up and down changes the learning pronunciation. Then teach him a few beans, a few dates, the number of home phone numbers, teach him the names of relatives, furniture, name, name of the tool of labor, supplies were ... ... one day, he was conscious, able to understand her words, and Xiuying happy tears to flow down the brush.
Wang Yanjun do not sleep with him to sit dawn; because of the pain after the manic, Wang Yanjun sometimes with one hand firmly Xiuying dynamic hair, beating her face, not at all anxious Xiuying , she thought, than he could not move paralyzed the good, and he, miserable, let him vent and come out.
Kouxiu Ying Hoi Hing town running again, buy the book Chinese medicine treatment,tory burch sales, massage school, and soon, she had become almost half of Chinese medicine, acupuncture massage every day Wang Yanjun, limbs.
period of time, Wang Yanjun able to sit up, can sit for a while, and can come down to earth, and and a baby, every little progress had brought to Xiuying a great joy.
to help him learn to walk, Xiu-ying Wang Yanjun day armpit to shoulder in the lane outside the village, walking twice, hard to move, every trip down is two hours, fall is often Some things, two years down Xiuying a shoulder at an angle of.
Wang Yanjun to walk, with the strength, the Xiuying teach him to push the car, eventually pushing the stones around the village turn. Ripe to push the car, letting him learn Dengsanlun cars, tricycles borrowed from the neighbor to his frame in the seat, his feet tied to the pedals, and then escorted to move forward with him Tuizhao Che. Studies put the tricycle over and tired, so he shook the wheel training arm, wrist, a few laps. Months later, Wang Yanjun to riding with her string of relatives, and they borrow money to buy a tricycle, bicycle and later taught Wang Yanjun. Wang Yanjun came back to life!
love is omnipotent and can create all the wonders

Wang Yanjun now tell everyone that Father, a shovel mud room that he can put a shovel to throw mud on the house; there was a relative passing east of entries, tractor front tire burst, he can remove the tires to help people make good. Recently, Wang Yanjun Xiuying took his doctor to thank the rescue, doctors could not believe their eyes.
for love and responsibility, Kou Xiuying sow the heart of the sun from time to time, for more than 70 years of age Gongdie, Kou Xiuying well remain devoted, all her winter clothes in summer shirt stitch completed, three meals a day she always to the end of the first bowl of hot rice Gongdie ... ... the elderly, told reporters that such a good daughter Xiuying is really rare, the loss of her home! The Xiuying said Tim caring for the elderly is to give ourselves fortunate.
Wang Yanjun treatment, Mongolian villagers of help, Kou Xiuying always thankful. Villagers are sick, she knows to cook a bowl of noodles or steamed buns sent several packages; She likes to collect prescriptions, prescriptions, be sure to send his side drug delivery; neighbor heart with the knots, she was earnest persuasion; Wang Yanjun After the incident, the village also has the less fortunate people,tory burch uk sale, she put the other due to the canteen shop receivables written off ... ... She said, hearts, to do something good for others, to feel a little happier. requirements should have the virtue, 'the poor' is not to forget the poor and weak to help more people than themselves. I do this perhaps in the eyes of others is nothing but a life, the very important, I am willing to put my experience say, to help the military extension of the rehabilitation of some of the ways to introduce to you. have encountered such unfortunate families do not despair, I want to tell you that love is the life instinct, and very versatile, and can create all the miracles. >
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