No matter how I reduce this, I am going to get grief. So allow me to say the following. Despite becoming a full time Linux person, we individual two Macs, two iPhones. Nobody is this house has eradicated Apple goods from our residence. Okay, transferring on.
The problem with comparing the iPad to a netbook, is that it’s more about the form-factor at work and less about the alleged ease of use. I mean, in theory you can use an iPad like a netbook with a keyboard should you wish to. I might even go so far as to say that an iPad might be more versatile and a better comparison will be the iPad against the Android powered tablets, as they share more in common. Unfortunately though, most people are more likely to individual a notebook or in this case,
Buy Microsoft Office 2010, a netbook,
Office 2007 Enterprise Key, than an Android tablet.
The iPad advantage
The iPad offers three strong items worth mentioning. First, it’s going to provide you with an insane battery life. So good in fact, that it’s a little better than even the best battery using netbooks. Perhaps only by a couple of hours, but that is a couple of hours for reading or watching videos. Second, the apps. If the app you want doesn’t exist yet, blog about it and check back in a couple of weeks. There really isn’t anything missing from the app store that you need. Third,
Genuine Windows 7 Professional, it takes portable to a whole new level. Three years ago when my wife and I were using Microsoft powered Tablet PCs to check down the list at the showroom for what was to be included in our property, we had to use a stylus. Worse, the entire feel of the Tablet PC was heavy and awkward. The iPad is light, there is no need for the stylus and it’s keyboard is surprising useful.
The netbook advantage
Photo by Yagan Kiely
Using an iPad is awesome, until you are done watching video, blogging or skimming the news. Yes, it’s also pretty good for taking notes, but managing a website from this platform is heading to be interesting. There are simply somethings where not having a mouse or at the very least, a touchpad, feels wrong. This is also the case if you’re working a lot with images or happen to be needing software that just isn’t available for the iPad yet. Yes, it does exist.
Which is best
For my money,
Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit, I'm a netbook user because I want that tactile feel of a real keyboard, without becoming left out to buy 1 just to use the device in this manner. Same applies for my ability to slip in a USB mouse and utilize software like “Filezilla” to manage different websites. For my needs, the netbook does it. But for others in different situations,
Office 2010 Home And Business, I am sure that the iPad may very well be a better fit. It’s slimmer and can be held closely while getting used by the other hand. Something you don’t see with the netbook.