EM to create a database ,
Dre Beats Headphones
emca-repos create
EM reconstruction of a data Library
emca-repos recreate
delete a database EM ;
emca-repos drop
configuration database Database Control
emca-config dbcontrol db
remove the Database Control configuration database
emca-deconfig dbcontrol db
reconfigure the db control of the port ,
Beats Headphones, the default port 1158
emca-reconfig ports
emca-reconfig ports-dbcontrol_http_port 1160
emca-reconfig ports-agent_port 3940
After the first set the ORACLE_SID environment variable ,
Monster Headphones, start EM console service
emctl start dbconsole
first set ORACLE_SID environment variable ,
Monster Beats Headphones, stop EM console services
emctl stop dbconsole
first set the ORACLE_SID environment variable,
monster beats, see EM console status of the service ;
emctl status dbconsole
steps to configure dbconsole ;
emca-repos create
emca-config dbcontrol db
; emctl start dbconsole
steps to reconfigure the dbconsole
emca-repos drop
; emca-repos create
emca-config dbcontrol db
emctl start dbconsole