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Old 07-23-2011, 12:12 PM   #1
Command Sergeant Major
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 284
30hdrjqjy is on a distinguished road
Default 八旬老太照顾重病儿媳孙媳 称这辈子苦惯了(图)

  小儿媳田贵梅(右一)拉着刘兰英老人的手说了声:“妈,你辛苦了!”一旁的乡邻也止不住掉 下泪来 本报记者 闫文青摄

  八九十岁的老人,应该享受着晚年该有的幸福时光。但有这样一位老人,在她80多岁的时候,先是给瘫痪在 床的儿媳擦洗身体,伺候其进食。后来孙媳卧床不起,她又担负起照顾孙媳的重担。问她还有什么心愿,老人摇摇 头,“我这辈子已经苦惯了。”


  昨日下午1时,记者在雁塔区鱼化寨街道办周宋村见到了90岁的刘兰英。老人有一女三儿,女儿早年出嫁, 大儿子没有成家就去世了,她一直是和二儿子李玉强一起生活。小儿子李玉民成家后,在村子的东北角安了家。李 玉强结婚后,和爱人任小文孝敬老人,一家子生活倒还过得去,可2007年1月,任小文突发脑溢血瘫痪,生活 无法自理。李玉强还打工赚钱,那时,照顾任小文的担子就落在了86岁高龄的婆婆刘兰英身上。

  “我们常看到老人给儿媳清理大小便,清洗脏衣服。”老太太隔壁的邻居、55岁的毛清贤回忆说,每天到了 饭点,老太太把饭做好,先尝尝冷热,然后一口口地喂儿媳吃饭,“儿媳的衣服每天都是干净的,也没有味道,我 们左邻右舍看着都觉得老太太不容易。”

  老人还会帮儿媳妇进行恢复性锻炼,她每天陪着儿媳妇在村道里来回走动,一直到2009年7月,任小文再 次脑溢血复发后离开人世,IP地址查询。送别儿媳妇时,老人整整哭了一天。


  2009年10月,88岁的刘兰英老人迎来喜事,25岁的二孙子结了婚。可1个月后,孙媳妇被检查出脑 瘤,刚刚沉浸在喜悦中的老太太随即又进入了照顾孙媳妇的角色。“仍然每天给端水做饭,相册密码,悉心照顾起孙媳妇,还经常扶着孙媳妇在院子里走动,买个鸡蛋、牛奶什么的,自己从来都舍不得吃。”据老太 太家对门居住的田东花说,邮箱破解软件,照顾孙媳妇期间,老太太没有一点怨言。


  昨日,刘兰英老太太的小儿媳妇田贵梅回忆起往事时,婆媳俩还是泪流满面。村民刘宗汉说,老太太作为家里 的长者,主动照顾着晚辈,照顾了儿媳妇再去照顾孙媳妇,“任劳任怨,她做了人世间最伟大的事。”周宋村村委 会周主任说,刘兰英是村里人学习的榜样。昨晚,记者联系上还在外面打工的56岁的李玉强,他难过地说:“我 一辈子都无法回报我的老娘。”

  明天就是一年一度的母亲节,为了感恩,为了回馈,华商报新闻热线特别推出“母亲节爱心赠碟活动”。从5 月8日上午11点开始拨打新闻热线029-88880000登记报名的前500名读者都可获得陕西著名秦腔艺术家、中国戏剧梅花奖得主、国家一级演员 李小锋刚刚录制的新版秦腔名剧《劈山救母》,如何破解qq密码。申请光碟成功的读者请于下午2点-5点凭身份证到华商报社一楼读者接待室领取光碟。本报记者 卿荣波
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Old 07-23-2011, 12:31 PM   #2
General of the Army
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 230
7h5r4i1z2j3n is on a distinguished road

Hongshan a man building

assault pistol with soil was sentenced

(Reporter million ground correspondent Fa ) Zhao Hongshan , a man in the building process , disputes with others , inviting lit firecrackers threat, and another person wounded pistol with soil . Yesterday, reporter learned from the Hongshan District Court , Zhao trouble found guilty and sentenced to imprisonment for 6 months.

43 -year-old Zhao , Lu Chen is Wuhan Hong mountainous Bay people. October 1995 , Zhao for committing fraud and deception ,coach sunglasses, was sentenced to 5 years of Castle Peak District Court . Last June 26 at 10 am,coach women shoes, Cho and fellow villagers for building Qinmou dispute . 1 o'clock in the afternoon , Zhao together with Yemou other 3 people, carrying hammers and other tools in the construction of rural Chongyang Village, Hongshan District, the city street furniture , and Qinmou dispute again .

1 o'clock the next day , Zhao and other 4 people to carry a single gun control soil , firecrackers , Zhao et al line to the village road, coinciding with the Qinmou , Xiong and others meet. Zhao ,coach store, who lit firecrackers Then, Zhao and soil using a single tube gun , fled the scene after the launch toward each other ,coach purses outlet, resulting in minor injuries Xiong . Since then,coach outlet store, Zhao was arrested .
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Old 07-23-2011, 12:31 PM   #3
General of the Army
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 296
g3juh3zy3wh is on a distinguished road

Mr. Jiang Yanwang for much-needed money, there are 41,000 yuan deposits holding certificates of deposit to the bank teller,coach handbag, the results of the informing the bank that he deposit the money above all has been removed. Police investigation that Mr. Wang early as six months ago lost their identity cards, identity cards he picked up the locals Song, report the loss to the bank by the name removal of the deposits. Reporter yesterday from the police that Jiangyan, December 30, 2010, the police arrested suspects Beijing Song.
pick up ID cards report the loss to the bank to do

2010 年 12 30, Jiangyan police captured in Beijing go with the others falsely claimed identity of the suspect deposits Song . The investigation, Song, 18, according to his account last summer, he inadvertently picked up by a Mr. Wang's identity, at first he only used on Mr. Wang's identity card to the Internet cafe. However, over time, a thought took to his mind: the owner should have in the bank deposit it, as with his identity card to the bank report the loss, then take his money. So he held Mr. Wang's identity card to a local bank, said the reported loss by the Friends of care. After the staff has been refused, Song did not lose heart, but also to the second bank, the same was rejected. In the third bank, while he pretended to This deceived the staff,coach outlet online, the staff admitted, certificates of deposit owner does not attend, can not report the loss of the counter, but suggested that he could report the loss by phone, and there are 41,000 yuan Wang a deposit certificate provided to the account him.
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get a certificate of deposit accounts of the Song,coach outlet store, then went to another bank, said he is the master Wang deposit. Report the loss after the success of Song with Mr. Wang's identity card to re-apply for a bank card, so that certificates of deposit in the 41,000 yuan Wang was transferred to a new card.
Song lavishly after getting the money, just a few months will be 41,000 yuan squandered. Police said picked up Song ID
Beijing branch Taizhou high Peng Law Firm lawyer Zhou Meichun that in the event, the bank side also there was fault. First, banks have a secret to help depositors deposit obligation of a conservative, and the third bank staff should not be alone in one side of the Song,coach sunglasses, Wang certificates of deposit to accounts leaked to the Song: Second, the fourth bank to carefully check the song did not do ID card is a match between me and Mr. Wang's responsibility.
correspondent Japanese reporter, Mr Wang
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