There is a common need of most manufacturers to label or mark items in some way before they leave the production floor. One of the most common uses in industries - ranging from the most produce grower to automobile manufacturer - is the use of price label guns. Although the name might imply differently
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Price Guns for PLU (Price Look-Up) labeling
Have you ever wondered how the cashier at your local market seems to know exactly how to identify what each end every fruit and vegetable you purchase? Did he receive hours of training honing his keen observation abilities? No. The source of his not-so-uncanny abilities is a PLU number that has been affixed to that product by the manufacturer with a price marking gun. This set of numbers enables the cashier to simply type them into the cash register and it will immediately be able to recognize that you are buying a cilantro and not parsley.
Expiration Dating with Price Guns
Most people are used to having labels directly stamped onto products or packing that will let them know the 'best if used by' date. While this is now the most common process used to inform their customers, there are still several manufacturers that will instead use labels. An example of one such industry is the egg production industry. Since the expiration date cannot be directly applied onto the fragile shell of the egg
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Inspection / Quality assurance
All manufacturers strive to provide the best possible product to their customers. Part of being able to provide this is by having their products go through a quality assurance process. Some people might be familiar with the 'Inspected by 12' piece of paper that can be found in most packaged undergarments
bright bustier corset top , but what people might be far less familiar with is the interior of their automobile's door. There are several very important components hidden behind the panel of most doors. Each of these assemblies must be verified as functional with correct installation by inspectors who will then 'sign off' of the door by using price marking guns with their appropriate identification.