Famous Four Eyes Competition From Huffington Post – Spectacles ...
And A Source For More Famous Spectacles Wearers… Usually Spectacles Blog is top of the searches for “Famous Four <a href="http://www.nicestsunglass.com/oakleysunglasses-c-4.html"><strong>oakley sunglass</strong></a> Eyes” especially as it’s one of our most visited sections on the site… but today was the Huffington Post (style section) who were top of the pops; they are one of the most used websites in the world mind… Of course we have covered most of the famous glasses wearers in the past (click the above famous four eyesÂ*link above for a <a href="http://www.nicestsunglass.com/coachsunglasses-c-11.html"><strong>coach sunglasses</strong></a> listing) and the others are mostly Americans with which we’re not familiar.Â* (The top seems to be Sarah Palin, as usual). There’s Andy Warhol for a start who we haven’t featured - or have we? The rest of their list is as follows. I must find out all those highlighted… Al Franken Glasses, Andy Warhol Glasses, Barney Frank Glasses, Elton John Glasses, <a href="http://www.nicestsunglass.com/raybansunglasses-c-10.html"><strong>ray ban sunglasses</strong></a> Elvis Costello Glasses, Groucho Marx Glasses, Harry Potter Glasses, Jarvis Cocker Glasses, John Lennon Glasses, Justin Timberlake Glasses, Mahatma Ghandi Glasses, Manolo Blahnik Glasses, Martin Scorsese Glasses, Rainn Wilson Glasses, Sarah Palin Glasses,Â* Tim Gunn Glasses, Tina Fey Glasses, Tom Daschle Glasses, Woody Allen Glasses. Tina Fey we have seen - the talented satirical lady who takes the mickey out of the easy-to-take-the-mickey-out-of Sarah palin… PS I just learned that Taking <a href="http://rooyee.org/view.php?id=28021"><strong>hou2learn: sdmx4539's blog: Prada Sunglasses 男生背åŒå*¦æ°´ä¸Šå*¦æ„ŸåŠ¨ ...</strong></a> the Mickey is cockney rhyming slang for Mickey Bliss - but no-one knows who Mickey Bliss was.