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Bracelet Pandora
RE: Authors describing what their URIs mean This message:
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[ Maybe in reply to ] [ Next in thread ] [ Replies ] From: Joshua Allen <joshuaa@microsoft.com>
Date: Sat,
Tiffany & Co, 14 Apr 2001 18:11:20 -0700
Message-ID: <4F4182C71C1FDD4BA0937A7EB7B8B4C1D157F3@red-msg-08.redmond.corp.microsoft.com>
To: "Seth Russell" <seth@robustai.net>, "Lee Jonas" <lee.jonas@cakehouse.co.uk>, "Charles McCathieNevile" <charles@w3.org>,
Tiffany Sale, "Danny Ayers" <danny@panlanka.net>
Cc: "RDF Logic" <www-rdf-logic@w3.org>,
Tiffany Ring, "RDF Interest" <www-rdf-interest@w3.org>, "Aaron Swartz" <aswartz@swartzfam.com>
Pandora Beads, speaking of the uncertainty caused by the fact that RDF embedded
in HTML as per the FAQ fails the W3C validation for HTML 4.01 and XHTML
>absurdity. If the semantic web is to happen, then such unforgiving
>as this, will have to be left happily behind us. FWIW, I tested the example in the FAQ and it works without complaint in
Netscape 6,
Pandora Charms Store Locator, Netscape 4.75,
Tiffany Bracelets, Opera 5, and IE 6. It does not work in
Amaya. So I see no need to hesitate.. -J Received on Saturday,
Pandora Jewelry Canada,
foreign aid bill would make pakistan, other nations pass new tests to receive u.s. funds, 14 April 2001 21:26:20 GMT