Pandora Bracelets- The new Charm Bracelets

So this new craze that's swept the world is a little more elegant than most and when you think about it, it's actually subtle and rebirthing the old fashioned Charm Bracelets of yesteryear.
I was unsure about it all for a long time and only recently sat down and had a good look at and think about these new bracelets and charms, and I finally decided that they are a nice way to bring the Charm bracelet into the 21st century.
These charms are simple and symbolic. No longer are we scared to wear the charms our loved ones bought us for fear of them falling off or catching on something. These little charms rarely have any sharp or jagged edges nor do they have little links holding them onto the mother bracelet. Whoever came up with the concept must have been as frustrated and upset as all of us when we discovered that a much loved charm had been lost from the charm bracelet, and came up with an idea that allowed the charms not to be lost again.
The fact that they can be seen as bulky and a bit too heavy for some can be changed simply by the amount and size of the charms added to the bracelet or a slimmer bracelet and fewer charms. These are the adult's version of the charm bracelet we all had as children and as such the size and weight can be carried. I recommend that you can still buy the traditional charms and bracelets for your children but that you keep Pandoras bracelets and Charms purely as an adult's joy.
The cost of a real Pandora bracelet and its charms can put a lot of people off as they are high quality and can be expensive, but you don't need to spend thousands of dollars to buy one. In fact he whole idea of a Pandora bracelet, indeed of charm bracelets full stop, is to add a memory with each charm. Something that should be created over several years. A milestone in your life such as graduation, engagement, marriage, travel, babies, retirement all these moments and more should be seen as a charm of your bracelet. Most if not all of these can even be bought for you by loved ones and that makes your bracelet totally unique to you and therefore it's doing its job. Rushing out buying a totally completed one defeats' the whole purpose of what Pandora as a brand and Charm bracelets as a whole were created to do.
So start you journey of memories of your life today and hint to someone that you want a bracelet or go buy your first charm and bracelet yourself.
For more information on this article and pictures and link to pandora and charm shops check out my
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