Ping-O-Matic and RSS. WordPress automatically pings Ping-O-Matic, notifying it that your site has new content, which invites bots to your blog. A large list of RSS Ping sites can be found here.
Sitemaps. Make sure that you implement the a�?Google XML Sitemapa�? plugin and submit the sitemap to Google, Yahoo and Bing. This is essential for a rapid crawl by search engines as well as monitoring your site stats using Webmaster Tools.
Backup. Always backup your files and database.
WordPress is one of the most popular Content Management Systems (CMS) online. Bloggers, small businesses and even some publishers use it. WordPress is an SEO friendly CMS and by using plugins, we can even customize it to be more effective in organic rankings. Here are some ideas to rev up your WordPress search engine rankings:
Use images. Images will not only give your site some added interest for visitors, they give you a chance to put in a�?alta�? and a�?titlea�? attributes and filenames that can be keyword-rich. Images will also give your blog added visibility for image search engines.
Timestamping. Readers and search engines both love new
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Make sure that user comments are enabled. Aside from the fact that they engage your readers and give you useful feedback
high heeled jordans , they also rack up SEO points as fresh content, giving search engines another reason to keep coming back to your blog. Also, remember to encourage the readers to leave comments. User generated content is king in terms of SEO.
All-in-One SEO Pack. Make sure that you implement this plugin and customize it. This allows you to assign customized page titles and descriptions to all pages and posts on your WordPress site. Ita�?s an essential tool.
Dona�?t inadvertently block the search engines. Sounds simple, but people do it all the time. Go to your admin panel, click on Options>Privacy and just make sure that your settings read a�?I would like my blog to be visible to everyonea�?
Make sure that youa�?re always upgraded to the latest version of WordPress for proper 301 Redirecting as well as security measures.
Cache. Install WP Super Cache since this will improve the speed and performance of your WordPress site. The faster your site loads, the better.
Check for proper XHTML. WordPress produces valid code, but poorly-written plugins or themes can crop up code errors. Sometimes user-created coding errors also occur
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If you have any questions or require assistance in WordPress SEO or internet marketing, contact us! We can help. You can call us at 1-800-736-9618.