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Old 09-16-2011, 02:50 AM   #1
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Old 09-16-2011, 02:50 AM   #2
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1752436 2009年10月31日 23:00 阅读(loading...) 评论(0) 分类:个人日记

没有谁会注意 消失了的这段爱情

标签 相遇 分手 消失 告诉 希望
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Old 09-16-2011, 04:00 AM   #3
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2年前就开始满怀期待的等待所谓城铁的开通,一直期待着能够每天坐城铁上下班,可以省去在上海租房的费用, 也可以每天都陪在家人身边。
2年的时间一直对城铁充满着希望,曾经号称为了满足长三角地区的火车公交化,号称的快速发车,号称的城铁月 票,号称的30分钟就能从上海到无锡的“高速”列车等等等等,美好的东西都在城铁正式开通的消息公布之后彻 底破灭了!
所谓的公交化,仅仅是多了几个车站,所谓的快速发车就是各个站分开来发,所谓的城铁月票更是子虚乌有,号称 30分钟就能从上海到无锡却需要坐整整一个小时,所谓的“高速”列车完全就是以前的动车组列车,甚至连外壳 还是肮脏不堪,内部也毫无变化,真是让人心寒!而所谓的城铁也摇身一变成了“高铁”。
做个简单的计算,就以我这种在上海工作的无锡人来举例,belstaff brad jacket,城铁开通之前,动车票价39,来回就是78,从公司到上海火车站需要坐1辆公交车和1号线地铁,公司6点 30下班,基本我到达火车站的时间是7点40左右,而以前动车的发车密集程度我可以自由选择9点前有多辆动 车,而我通常所坐的是8点15分的动车。再看现在,高铁上海到无锡是61块,整整高出了22块(特快车的票 价是20),来回就整整贵了44块,两个来回的钱就够原来动车3个来回了,像我这样老婆孩子父母都在无锡的 人,自然是每周都要回家的,这样算下来,一个月就要近500的路费,而原来坐动车只要300多 就够了。
那再看看时间,以前动车的速度,上海到无锡最快的车是48分钟,最慢的车是1小时10分钟,而现在所谓的高 铁仅仅是比最慢的动车快出10分钟,比最快的动车还要慢12分钟。
再看看所谓的高铁受欢迎的情况,不得不说某些所谓的领导很有头脑,高铁价格如此之高,导致很多人坐不起,也 不愿意多花钱,所以情愿多浪费一点时间去做普通车,就是那种20元一张票的,理论时间上海到无锡是2个小时 左右,实际情况基本是3个半小时左右才能到,而列车长的理由是给动车让道。尽管如此,但是为了节约交通成本 很多人都去买慢车,但是你同样会发现一个情况,慢车似乎变少了,提前一周去买都会被告知没票了,或者没有慢 车,连站票都没有,而事实上,我坐了两次慢车,一次有坐,一次没坐,而我看来,belstaff sale,车子也并不那么挤。再去看看高铁,确实也是座无虚席,但是再看看列车的长度你就不会觉得有多少惊讶了,以 前的16节车厢的动车,变成了8节车厢的高铁(不知道是不是所有高铁都8节,本人坐的几次都是8节的),就 导致了这个时间段这辆车的实际运能只有以前动车的一半,而再看看坐车的人员,其中大概一半以上都单位报销的 公费出差,一小部分是旅游或者偶尔出游一次的,也不在乎这偶尔的一次票价,剩余的人则就像我这样,被逼无奈 只能坐高铁。这部分就是真正“被高铁”的人了。
哎。。。这种高铁,按照现在的收入水平,如何实现所谓的公交化啊~算笔很简单的帐,高铁一个来回122,就 算公交车,地铁之类全部免费,如果按照公交化的定义,就是每天上下班都坐高铁来回,那一个月22天工作日, 就是2684元,这是个什么概念。按照现在上海的房租价格,普通的一室户带装修带家具也差不多是1500左 右,就算比较好一点的装修也就是2000左右,按照这样的价格,再加上每天来回路上光火车时间就2个小时, 加上等车和期间其他交通工具的时间算上去,在路上的时间将不少于3个小时,这样算下来,所谓的铁路公交化完 全就是一句空话,真的会有多少人花这么多钱去体验所谓的铁路公交化吗?况且也并不是随便到哪个站都能买到票 ,belstaff shop,更不用说什么即买即走了,完全就是个忽悠人的笑话。
哎,算了,抱怨也没什么用,走一步看一步吧,按照目前的收入水平,真正靠这个所谓高铁来实现公交化,本人是 没希望了,belstaff jacket,每周来回都已经觉得苦不堪言了,belstaff leather jacket。“高”铁什么时候能真正变成“诚”铁,或许才能真正得到所有人的青睐吧,想来或许这还很遥远,“被高铁” 的不是少数,无可奈何的接受现实,造就了高铁火爆受到热捧的表象,belstaff jacken,但是又有多少人能看到这些表象,能为我们这些“被高铁”的人考虑呢?
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Old 09-16-2011, 04:01 AM   #4
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不知从何时起养成了这样的习惯----一有新照晒出就要写篇相关的图志PO到空间上做纪念,也许是从加入风采名博团开始吧,belstaff leather jacket,觉得自己应该更努力的来经营博客,outlet belstaff,这不仅仅对于自己是种督促,小北觉得这也是个很好的习惯,用以记录自己青春灿烂过的年华。话不多说了,上 图o(?v?)o~~
此次太行山之行目的地:八里沟 郭亮。(图片均为自己拍摄哦)
可能许多朋友对这里并不熟悉,这是一个新开发的景区,小北觉得与其说是个自然景区,不如说是个 世外桃源。。
八里沟位于南太行山,山势独特,三级绝壁逐层下降,重恋叠嶂连绵,嶙峋怪石相望,既有泰山之雄浑,黄山之秀 丽,又有嵩山之挺拔,华山之险峻,巍峨壮观,傲然屹立。景区内四季水流不断,三溪九湾,飞瀑鸣涧,瀑潭连天 ,水质甘洌,水色清澈,游人赞为“中原九寨,北方水世界”。(副段部分引自“百度词条”,belstaff online,我写不出这么精P哈哈)
当我亲眼看到这个山体隧道的时候,曾在山城居住过四年之久的我也忍不住感到震惊了!90度的悬崖陡壁,难以 想象以前的人是怎样在这里生活的!
话说这个著名的“绝壁长廊”是上个世纪由12名当地居民耗费6年的时间人工打造出来的,belstaff sale。。这种精神真的很值得钦佩,这条“天路”不仅仅让路里面的人们开启了通往外面花花世界的桥梁,也让外界的 人发现和感受到了这个人间仙境的魅力!
郭亮是一个山清水秀的小村庄,被誉为中华影视村,据说这个小小的地方曾经诞生过数十部影视作品,80%的村 民也都曾做过群众演员,也许我们不经意间看到的某个电影中的场景就是在这里取景的吧!
这里还是许多美术院校的写生基地,随处可见提着画板画画的学生们(这让我想起了曾经我也像他们一样的写生过 ,只可惜没到这个地方来)。。
站在这里我觉得身心很放松,呼吸着山里清新的空气,感受微风吹起水珠拍打在裙角边,让我忘却了都市里的喧嚣 ,感受一份别致的宁静和高远。。
如果可以,belstaff jacken,我真的就想待在这里住上一段时间不要离去,因为望着山水使我内心感到十分平静,和大自然亲近的时候感觉是 一种享受!
如果在忙碌的工作中会感到压力和无奈,不妨偶尔到山里面去放松一下吧!因为人不仅要每天努力的踮起脚尖往上 爬,同时也要懂得放松自己,享受生活,belstaff jackets sale,多看看山水,多吃些养生的食物,这样的人才是一个自然人,而不是机械人。。

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Old 09-16-2011, 04:01 AM   #5
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Reprinted from 696790 at 16:11 on December 1st 2009 Read (loading. ..) Comments (3) Category: Fun Culture Online Abstract
A. the scarf around the neck, tie a knot around the cross; B. period of scarves from the front to the back of the neck around; C. come round to the back of the scarf from the arrow direction through the gap.

Big Bow
A. the scarf around the neck, tie a knot around the left in on the right side of the next; B. scarves to the right of the fold period of overlap; C. put the scarf overlap In the period following the left to the left of the scarf around the direction of the arrow on the other section; D. tightening the knot on it.

small bow
A. the scarf looped around his neck, a knot; B. Results adjusted to the beaten around the direction, and then call a knot. Reminded? The end of the play is also very easy to become a great side, not like big bows so feminine, very beautiful girls for love.

tie knot:
A to? towel? in the neck, right? in the last to post? period? towel along the arrow? direction in the left? period last? lap. B:? Good, then?? Towel? Gap in the shell. C: the? Towel? Gap out?. Special? Reminder: play and play?? Similar, no? Play? Of??? Have to have? Yong?, With a thin one? Of? Towel.

asymmetric Results:
A. cross the scarf around the neck, left in, and then the direction of the arrow through the right side of the gap period; B. the scarf taken out from the gap. Reminded? This statement gives a sense of uninhibited rebel, if you feel cool enough, then, this play can try.

lightweight Results
A. the scarf looped around his neck; B. will cross about two scarves knotted; to remind? This is the most basic play, very simple. Especially for the morning rush to class sets of student

A. scarves around the neck,Heart - Qzone log, right at the other end; B. will be right across from the middle of the gap; C . will be wearing this again from the gap in the back, leaving part of the overlap. Reminded? If scarves long, put the piece This play is suitable for people who Oh, lovely!

France Results
A. the scarf around the neck a knot, tie a knot at the leave some gaps; B. scarves around to the left of the right side of that part of that period, from passing through the gap; C. the scarf taken out from the gap. Reminded? This statement gives the feeling of heavy, suitable for tall big boys? Girls were also lines of friends)!

Pei ....

color hollow scarves

Keywords: color, dig cut, cascading style is inseparable from a sense of playful

creative design, lively and playful temperament this year with a two-color scarf designed primarily to retain the natural fabrics do not lock side edge, a strong contrast of colors also show a slight In addition, a large tunnel-type hollow deliberately cut, but also gives the scarf a little too much rock and lively style.

with suggestions: fringe is no longer fashionable, choose this cute hole-style scarves, the one should pay attention to the visual impact of color contrast, the second to try to choose not to long fringed Indian-style

inverted triangle
Keywords: color feathers, imitation buckskin, Indian style triangle scarves this year, the design style of the most extraordinary . Exaggerated colored feathers, buckskin straps rough, tangled fur levels, mix and match from the color of the gradient to the material with the disorder,coach purses, coupled with inverted triangle cut design, simple to the neck to a ride, they immediately show women in both wild and enchanting feeling.

with suggestions: a large open collar, tight sweaters and tight with a metallic small breeches, both with the exotic.
retro European shawl
Keywords: bright colors, plush fur, lace, ribbon shawl scarves this year, completely back to the sixties and seventies of last century, pendulum-shaped beam shoulders A , plush fur, lace, lace ribbon scarf to create a nice and warm this was both gorgeous and graceful. With suggestions: color side has failed to comply with European style, black, brown fur is bright green, and blue instead of long hair, knee-length tutu suit with bell bottoms or wide leg.

Korean beggar this Scarf mashup Results
very first character, posters, web series called beggars Results compiled the reason why is because it is very old effect, HOHO ~ ~. Though it seems system is very complex and the effect, in fact, very simple, Department of Law Oh! The scarf hanging from the front to the neck, the scarf ends around to the chest in the back of the neck and then cross to the right hand side pulled out a small hole through the side to the left to take to the back, right through the left side pull the same take to the back of the hole. This scarf is suitable for casual clothes, oh

to slightly
Korean Ladies Results
single folded due to the width of the scarf hanging from the front to the neck, the scarf ends around to the chest in the back of the neck and then cross. This keeps the style of an ordinary scarf shape,coach outlet online, with the overall effect would give people a fresh feeling. This makes the neck at the slightly fluffy scarves, so with a coat, collar to erect,Insights on life a man's standard of excellence - Qzone log, the scarf tied to the outside, this does not seem to look bloated.

shawl scarves,coach women shoes, also known as double-line character-line, this system is the simplest method. First, apart from the middle on both sides of the scarf take to the back post cross and then cross back into the chest to take, then take the cross from the chest to the shoulders. The Department of Law of the best OL in the Oh! No lack of stylish and feminine.

will double folded side tie scarves around your neck, and then one end of the elongated, long-looped one end around the neck. Both ends of the scarf,coach sunglasses outlet, tie a knot in his chest to move the node position you like. Well! Only for such leisure-line dress, also suitable for formal and dignified dress, style is characterized by small, easy to match. And dignified strict set match, can increase the trace of a lovely feeling.

Korean fashion statement
the scarf folded into a triangle triangle, the triangle a little sharp slope into the chest, then pulled scarves around to both sides of the neck from back to front and then fastened, fasten upon the The remaining two corners into the chest, so OK!. Kazakhstan Korea dudes and babes all like to be tied. Gives a very avant-garde feeling,coach wallet, and full of personality.

long coarse knitting leisure scarves scarf fabric
There are many types,coach sneakers,央视禁播的超色情内部晚会(逗死我了) - Qzone日志, with different clothes will have a fashion sense, simple and casual with a loose sleeve neck scarf, instantly have a T station taste of fashion models, long knitted scarf-line models to be as clothing, if your outfit simple and casual, you can circle around a simple scarf, tie a knot in front of the rest of it free to fall naturally; If you want to dress with paragraph little dress, you can more than fluffy around a few times, in the back binding, not only neat but also very playful, cute behind, but it must not have fallen in the clothes feel.

single-cross Results: scarf style common form, with the overall effect will give you a fresh experience. This makes the neck at the slightly fluffy scarves, so with a coat, collar to erect, the scarf tied to the outside, this does not seem to look bloated.

fair-skinned fair-skinned beauty a wide selection, with dark gray, dark red, etc. can further highlight the white, yellow, pink and other light can be used to Partial black color highlight

darker skin color, should not use dark red, purple, dark gray, black and other darker colors of the scarf, and in light gray, blue, red other colors better.

color yellow

face yellow people should wear yellow, pink, medium gray, light gray-blue and other light-colored soft scarves, should not use dark red, purple, yellow, dark green such as color

prominent hips / lower body fat

for such size of the MM, scarves play the role of balancing the upper and lower body. Have relatively large proportion of the lower body, so small and thin for those who can no longer scarf, it would be more intense upper and lower contrast. Recommended to choose shawl, or scarf as the large shawl to use, fashionable, and can balance the effect of landscaping style. Can also choose to design chic, bright color scarf, will attract attention

relatively short stature short stature MM

patterns should not be too exaggerated to wear the scarf, and the area is too large, too complex decorative scarf. More suitable for this type of MM design simple, brightly colored scarf, if it is vertical stripes the better.

tall thin / flat-chested

disadvantage of this type of MM figure does not curve, so suitable for fluffy, big flower pattern scarf, one to enhance the body's movement. With both ends free to tie on the back or shoulders, hanging in the middle of symmetric chest-line, you can make the chest look fuller and

than body fat / Bust larger

more suitable for this type of MM bright colors or dark colors scarf. Thin soft scarves will be good-looking, best not to use special Heavy's. When worn, it is proposed around a circle around the neck, both ends of equal length, were resting on the chest, back, or both ends in a breast-line, so easy to be thin.

England style scarves you can choose a bit like a big shawl scarf, printed with red plaid or stripes, in the style scarf with this, many people will It is a quartet built around long before, in fact, not only does not look good around them, but also appeared to be very rigid. Is around the right time to open the first scarves, fold the drawing into a slightly oblique angle, so that the air is filled with scarves, around the time should give it a casual feel fluffy, red plaid Oh great taste of Scotland.


wide large scarves are very popular this year, the best performance is muffled in a simple sweater or a little jacket outside, will be able to customs million.

sweet style

clear, graceful sweet is its big selling point, the color is not that important, there is no significant impact on the texture, the key is blossoming flower or a delicate Crochet Trolltech modeling.

street style in this way the most significant advantage is its handsome, with a little neutral, a little careless, wandering breath very modern atmosphere, especially for England with the wind.

a random

the technical content and scarves color requirements are higher, although the tie may seem arbitrary, but the front or rear end, how knot, not master Oh easy.
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Old 09-16-2011, 04:04 AM   #6
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141756 2009 年 07 月 27 日 15:22 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (5) Category: Personal Diary
front a period of time in the network point of view story about love, several friends told me that, this love urging them to tears. Story to the effect that: two pigs in love. Female Male pet pig is pig all day long with her, and she go where she wanted to do what to do, what good food for the female pigs are the first to enjoy everything the way the little girl pigs. Female pigs under the careful care of her boyfriend live happily,儿子要放假了 - Qzone日记,coach outlet online, and soon she was raising was white and fat. One day, male pig inadvertently hear the dialogue between their owners and learned that because of female pigs grow too fast, ready to kill come to the feast. Male pig shocked, actually almost killed my love sweetheart. So male pig changed, he became withdrawn and silent,coach shoes, no longer accompany the female pig,coach bags, what are the first to eat delicious, totally disregarding the tears and the wronged female pigs. Male female pig that pig a change of heart, loss and pain in the haggard, from love and hate, you'd rather die. Male pigs blink of an eye to grow big and strong. Holidays, host family to select pigs slaughtered, one on the phase of the male pig. Male piglets were killed in the last minute, it girlfriend, say Female pig came before, and burst into tears, to understand the male pig's love and good intention. Female pig in solitude and regret in life go on.
because pigs can not change fate,Tanabata., this fantasy love story people sigh, but it left us thinking more.
limited in the short life, is the effort to pursue the good of all, or even a long life to give pleasure? Male pig this approach, of course, save his girlfriend's life,coach sunglasses, but also deprived of each other's happiness. Not afraid to break up their suit, because of misunderstanding and fear separation. Self-righteous as each other because the male pig is good, there is no communication with his girlfriend, good intentions were not understood, each good time delay,coach outlet, so that limited life filled with pain.
I do not believe forever,宜家2010年设计趋势 - Qzone日志, because Void; I believe that once, but too short. There is a song: Let me first love fill. Only one life to the world back, if you can not love your fill,coach women shoes, is it not sad?
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