1952 smog event in London is December 5, 1952 -9 place in London on a serious air pollution incidents. The incident caused as many as 12,000 people died because of air pollution and promote environmental protection legislation in the UK process.
After a similar incident
because of the smoke of London
After December 5, 1952 began, the inversion layer enveloped London and the city center in a high pressure, vertical and levels of air flow is stopped, the air silent for days without wind. London was more use of coal heating in winter, there are many urban areas but also the distribution of energy with coal as the main thermal power station. The role of the inversion layer, the carbon dioxide from coal combustion, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, dust and other gases and pollutants accumulate over the city, triggering several days of heavy fog. During the smog impact, not only a large number of flight cancellations, and even cars on the roads during the day must be open headlights. Was in a cattle fair held in London, first of all cattle exhibitors had a reaction to the smoke, 350 head of cattle have 52 serious poisoning, 14 dying, one died on the spot. Soon members of the public on the smog in London had a reaction, many people experience difficulty in breathing, eye irritation, asthma, cough and other respiratory symptoms of patients increased significantly, then mortality increased sharply, according to historical records, from December 5 to 12 months 8, 4 days, the number of deaths in London over 4000 people. According to statistics later in the event of smoke in the event of the week, 48 people over the age of 3 times the usual mortality rate; a mortality rate of people under the age of 2 times normal in the week, the City of London 704 people died due to bronchitis ,
burberry bags, 281 CHD deaths, 244 died of heart failure, tuberculosis killed 77 people, respectively, the previous week 9.5,2.4,2.8 and 5.5 times, in addition to pneumonia, lung cancer, influenza and other respiratory diseases, the incidence of significant increased. December 9, due to changes in the weather, smog dissipated, but after two months because of the smoke and nearly 8,000 people died of respiratory system disease events. Afterwards, head of environmental pollution, according to the British Ulster. William Dr. Jin Si statistics, in the fog disaster occurred the previous week, the death toll to 945 in London; in fog during the London death toll soared to 2,
paul smith sale,480, while the fog caused by the deaths of 8,000 people with chronic, compared with previous years, more people died 3000-4000. Since then, in 1956, 1957 and 1962 occurred in a succession of serious smoke up to twelve events. Until 1965, the toxic fumes it disappeared from London. London smog of 1952 occurred because the event is the direct cause of sulfur dioxide from burning coal and dust pollution, the indirect cause was commenced in December 4 of the inversion layer caused by the accumulation of atmospheric pollutants. Surface coal dust generated a large number of adsorbed water, a smog-forming condensation nuclei,
mulberry bags, so they formed a dense fog. Coal dust also contains ferric oxide component, can catalyze other pollutants from coal oxidation of sulfur dioxide sulfur trioxide, and then dust the surface with adsorbed water combine to form sulfuric acid droplets. The inhalation of respiratory droplets of sulfuric acid will have a strong stimulating effect, so that the weak morbidity and even death. Of the 1952 London smog incident was not the first time that a serious smog incidents in London,
mulberry bag, according to historical records the first event of toxic fumes can be traced back to February 1837, that killed at least 200 people died Minglun Dun. In 1952, the London smog event occurred several times. Events of 1952 caused the attention of the people and government authorities to make people aware of the importance of air pollution control, and direct promotion of the 1956 Clean Air Act by the British. London smog of 1952 were environmentalists of the 20th century as one of the major environmental disasters, and coal-burning air pollution as a typical case in more than environmental science textbooks. A similar incident in 1952 is more typical of the London smog emissions as coal and weather factors caused by environmental disasters in human history has repeatedly similar events: in the United States in 1948 Donora smog event in 1930,
mulberry handbags, the Belgian horse Andean valley smoke event, 1959 Mexico ��粨���│ events are a typical case of such environmental disasters. Atlas Atlas entry for more extended reading: 1
Wikipedia editors. 1952 London smog [G / OL]. Wikipedia, at 16:11 on September 11 2008 [December 5, 2008 09:37].
http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=1952% E5% B9% B4% E4% BC% A6% E6% 95% A6% E7% 83% 9F% E9 % 9B% BE% E4% BA% 8B% E4% BB% B6 & oldid = 8072661.
Open Category: Disaster, London,
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