Don't forget that $300 million consumer ad campaign that Microsoft awarded earlier this yr?New specifics are rising on how the ad company that won the offer — Crispin Porter + Bogusky — is starting its task of rebranding Microsoft as a cool company. Crispin Porter counts Burger King, Molson,
Microsoft Office 2010 Activation Key, Volkswagon and Virgin Atlantic among its high-flying clients.The Crispin folks say they like a challenge. They have one on their hands with the Softies. From the Fast Company article on the ad company:“Microsoft;s already problematic reputation in some circles — as the soulless,
Office Pro Plus 2010 X86, power-hungry purveyor of lackluster products — has suffered a series of self-inflicted wounds. It spent two years and $500 million on the media blitz around the long-delayed Windows Vista launch, only to see the January 2007 ‘Wow; campaign,
Office Standard 2010 Keygen, which likened Microsoft;s new operating system to Woodstock and the fall of the Berlin Wall, derided as arrogant and creatively void.”Can Microsoft ever be seen as hip as Apple? Seems like a tall order. The article continues:Countering that (Microsoft) nebbishy, pocket-protected image now falls to Crispin. And Bogusky;s team is revved up at the prospect. ‘There was a time,; says Jeff Hicks,
Office Standard 2010 Product Key, Crispin;s CEO,
Office Home And Business 2010 Serial Key, ‘when it was Avis against Hertz, Coke against Pepsi, Visa against American Express. I think Microsoft is at the epicenter of the great brand challenge of the next decade — or millennium.;”If you were helping Crispin spend that $300 million, what would you do to try to help Microsoft out of its Vista marketing morass? One blogger thinks Microsoft would be well-served to use Chairman Bill Gates, in spite of his imminent retirement from day-to-day duties at Microsoft, as the centerpiece of its campaign. Thoughts?