Coconut Oil for your Good Health by Helen Davies
Coconut oil is a saturated type of fat. Below 76 F it is solid and above this temperature it is liquid. The family of saturated fats also includes real butter, lard and palm oil. Saturated fats have been wrongly accused of being responsible for atherosclerosis, heart attacks and cardiovascular disease in general. The confusion started when a great deal of misleading information came out by the media and was amplified beyond control. At the same time, artificial refined vegetable oils (made from mixtures of soya, cotton, rapeseed oils etc) and margarines became popular as a healthy alternative to the ��mean�� and unhealthy saturated fats. The fact is that when butter and lard were used,
vibram five fingers kso, up to 1930, heart attacks were responsible for less than 3, 000 deaths per year in USA. In 1950 when margarine and vegetable oils had taken over the world, myocardial infarction was already claiming 500, 000 lives every year. Also native populations in Asia follow a diet heavily based on coconut products, overall extremely high in saturated fats but are free from cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
So, coconut oil is healthy. The fact that it is saturated makes it an excellent choice for cooking with it. High temperatures have no impact on the structure of saturated fats. This is clearly a matter of their chemical structure and how sensitive they are in interactions with other molecules. Heat cannot cause any chemical or structural changes to saturated fats. Except for this important fact, coconut oil has been found to have significant antimicrobial and antiviral properties. This can have a major impact in the digestive process, when the contents of our stomach move on to the gut. The gut and the digestive tract in general is the barrier between the internal part of the body and the external environment. The food we consume is full of bacteria, dust and many other potential pathogens that go undetected. It is massively important for our body to prevent all these dangerous agents from being absorbed along with the valuable nutrients. So, if the very oil we cook our foodinto is antimicrobial, imagine how much this helps in cleansing the food from harmful pathogens and how much this alleviates our body��s defense systems,
visvim discount! Coconut oil consists at least 40% of a fatty acid called Lauric acid. This fat is found in breast milk and research since the 60s has shown that this very substance is responsible for the antiviral and antimicrobial protection babies receive from their mother��s milk. Further research showed that the human body uses Lauric acid to produce a chemical derivative, which subsequently attacks and dissolves the membrane many viruses are covered with in order to be able to infect healthy cells.
Finally ladies, you will be happy to know that coconut oil has anti-aging and incredible weight loss properties. During the 40s, "dedicated" farmers were trying different protocols to get their animals fat as quickly as possible. One of the experimental diets they tried was based on coconut oil but they got the exact opposite results,
nike airmax running shop, their animals became lean and slim! Coconut oil has the ability to stimulate thyroid function. Elevated thyroid activity means that the metabolism is up-regulated too, resulting in greater amount of calories burned even while resting! In the presence of adequate thyroid hormone, cholesterol is converted in extremely important hormones (anti-aging steroids, progesterone, pregnenolone etc) that fight off heart disease,
supra society purple, obesity, cancer and other degenerative diseases. The farmers of the story were obviously disappointed to see their animals lean and fit so when it became known that coconut oil stimulates the thyroid function, tried to feed the animals anti �C thyroid drugs to shut the thyroid gland down and make them fat. While that happened, they also developed cancer in higher rates. Then, they realized that they could have the fattening result without the cancer if they just fed their livestock with soy bean and corn! This last piece of info makes it a lot easier to distinguish between healthy (coconut) and very unhealthy oils indeed.Topics related articles:
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