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Old 03-31-2011, 02:18 AM   #1
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  上周高調成婚的大S和汪小菲剛剛離開海南三亞,就與『准伴郎』張朝陽鬧開了。 『大小』夫妻先發律師函指責張朝陽未經授權偷拍婚禮現場並進行直播,而張朝陽則反脣相譏稱『既不認錯也不道 歉』,為此,大S和汪小菲再發邀請函,張朝陽則拒不回應。一場婚事轉眼成『昏事』,讓原本稱兄道弟的汪小菲 和張朝陽形同陌路,在讓人不禁唏噓娛樂圈兄弟難當、朋友難做的同時,忍不住多問一句,難道鬧翻真的那麼容易 ?
  平息寶島傳媒,ghd flat iron,大S在演戲?
  在大S婚禮後不久,這對新婚夫婦就遭到了臺灣地區媒體的一致批評,認為大S不讓媒體入場,作為嘉賓之一 的張朝陽卻在微博上全程直播,搶盡先機。臺灣媒體更揚言要封殺大S。為平息眾怒,大S不得不接受電話采訪, 並一再澄清稱沒有收任何媒體的錢,也沒有授權任何媒體直播婚禮。對此,汪小菲也忍不住公開發話:『早就告訴 他(張朝陽)不能拍,他卻帶著人進來拍,我們之前的友誼已經沒有了。』隨後,這對夫婦通過律師要求張朝陽就 偷拍婚禮一事作出公開道歉,否則不排除追究其侵犯名譽權、肖像權。

  不久後,汪小菲又更新博客反擊,稱張朝陽帶著旗下記者假冒嘉賓進入房間進行偷拍,被保安發現驅逐後,張 朝陽乾脆親自上陣直播。隔天,面對張朝陽『既不認錯也不道歉』的說法,夫妻倆再發律師函,稱在婚禮上反復提 到不要公開婚禮過程,還請助理發短信請求配合,張朝陽根本沒有獲得允許進行拍照,反而涉嫌事前安排、規劃好 所有偷拍活動,理應公開道歉並承認錯誤。然而有部分知情人士透露,其實大S和汪小菲的動機很單純,就是為了 平息臺灣媒體的怒火,好讓大S以後在臺灣娛樂圈繼續『做人』,只是沒想到,戲似乎演得太逼真,讓對手信以為 真了。
  原本真的可以成為一場成功的炒作,只可惜『大小』二人早已頭昏昏,忘記演戲還要知會一聲對方,令張朝陽 真的來了氣。而面對新人的怒火,張朝陽的回應顯得底氣十足,他表示婚禮當天看到很多賓客都用手機拍照、發微 博,他也是在新人的家人的默許下纔拍攝的,『我在晚宴之前一直沒有被明確告知不可以拍照發微博,覺得用微博 告知粉絲們這麼一個大家關心的事件,也幫著推廣一下,是好事兒。 』張朝陽還表示,微博的屬性還沒被正式定義,他只是發著玩,『被告知之後即停止。所以我不認為我的行為在法 律上及朋友道義上有什麼過錯,所以既不認錯,ghd pink limited edition,也不道歉。 』

  傳聞中混入酒店偷拍的記者毛國莉則否認了老板張朝陽是在幫助自己偷拍的說法,『說他替我直播真的太抬舉 我也太抬舉你們了!』而公司負責宣傳的張先生也在采訪中表示,汪小菲的做法是『為媳婦插兄弟兩刀』,根本不 存在聯手炒作的可能,專門偷拍根本是無稽之談,『大S他們完全是在未經商量的情況下,當頭來這麼一棒!現在 兄弟都沒得做了,還聯手炒作? 』
  喜事成了口水仗,引發了眾多網友和媒體的熱議。很多網友表示對大S夫婦翻臉不認人的做法不滿,『發微博 的不止張朝陽一個,明明自己辦得大張旗鼓還不倫不類,ghd rare,還敢說低調?隔天就對朋友翻臉,太勢力了。 』也有網友認為這是雙方的聯手炒作,『這下兩邊又火了一把。』還有網友分析,大S迫於被臺灣媒體『封殺』的 壓力,不得不督促丈夫作出姿態,聲討友人。不過,最有趣的還是網友將『直播門』代入《愛情買賣》,改編出了 『當初是你說要拍,要拍我就拍。現在還說不道歉,就把我告回來』的爆笑歌詞。

  對此,GHD IV Hot Pink Styler,參加婚宴的大S好友如吳佩慈、范瑋琪、吳青峰等都在微博上聲援大S,請求媒體對她更寬容一些。而也許知道 當下局面的結果,可能對自家品牌會造成傷害,婆婆張蘭則當起了和事佬,表示兒子汪小菲的做法不成熟,但的確 是在顧及臺灣媒體的情緒,希望媒體不要再批評媳婦,『小菲就是年輕氣盛,而張朝陽是老大哥,應該寬容點。弄 成這樣是大家都不願意看到的事情,現在他們的態度,應該要三思而後行。』或許是有了母親的規勸,汪小菲在上 周末和小S夫婦現身自家餐廳時,始終表情淡然,拒絕再就事件發表回應。
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Old 03-31-2011, 02:47 AM   #2
General of the Army
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 1,514
m2ag5zut00hh is on a distinguished road

(A) self-blame, let my heart empty haze
home from work today, as usual, open the computer, three short message,tory burch flats, and I said goodbye to two friends. Clouds covered the sky an instant mood. One friend is a reality because of the heavy pressure of life, want to break it. That we'll meet again, despite the sadness of parting, but also helpless. And then another friend reminder text messages out of my tears, he is Mr. Jiang F, Wang Yu. I, the elderly into a good mood, but I did not give him a good mood. Strong inner self-blame. Originally, the literary salon in the old hometown fun, the results of a good mood because I want to play, to bid farewell to the old man with here. After his article was encountered plagiarism, ask me how to do, I try to hold up the attitude of that forum, send text messages to the moderator to explain the situation, and finally gain back the authorship. Since then I have great confidence in the old man, has been concerned about my article, to give care, encouragement, like his father passed away, like watching the growth of the wind. But his work was not recognized, rarely recommended, over seventy years of cold the hearts of the elderly.
time, he said: Editor's note did not get popular (online friend of mine sent over flowers). In addition there are a few verses, poetry journals are published, and some of them into the series a large series of sets, award-winning, available here But is the editor of one or two do not get salty not pale complimentary remarks. This had made me feel things have been suspected, and therefore had pressure. in front of you is also revealed through a word, you do not notice it wants to. on your I can not hide the ideological plane. River House, the old man is not so open-minded. what is not said. Thank you for your concern! impetuous era, poetry and other things are pure literature meal, not as good as the more popular fast food is more easy to read. and then the network seemed to love those who love ah, ah, desolately spotlessly clean, beautiful words of welcome more. Furthermore , the text of the market, your thick, and you have the same experience that only people who could only understand, but with your experience and few like you have a good grasp of advanced weapons, not the Internet, or pen and ink manuscript in the slash and burn. Therefore, The small audience, so you are being challenged. challenge and turn for the better! think President will not do deserters, will definitely show your strengths. network and the same reality, and some cheat strangers, you see words written in front of me, and some well written than the last, but not recommended. let others know you need a process. President, do not go! happiness lies in his own mind, go all the way from the fragrant flowers will be! first issued to him humble poetry, consoled him.

Less than half a catty

say you is not your call
others said could not see your value
the gold you
he treated you as a brass

Why should other people's recognition as a personal value
try to live for their happiness on such a short life

Han Yu said that the world has horses

Maxima and the horses do not often
Bole often

never even without the death slot parallel between stable as long as the release
stiff wire will go to the outer

do not self-pity
worry about the outcome
put that down to the chest of pine
light heart fluttering

expand your brow to his face covered with smiles

There is a saying
thousand more people live day to swallow a Miss! Mr.

seemed relieved.

, I carefully read the article in the net to see whether network quite his age, found the two and then recommended to him, I said: may be so and so, so and so, Sirs or less of your age, perhaps, you can communicate with them? hello, happy every day! SMS:
Unfortunately, in great! come here more than six months, you almost every day in the care of me, the old sense of the Huai Jiang Louming. we will meet, such as community networks in the home (but not always). If you are interested, you can to a certain place to find me. the gift of your previously sent out a poem, about tomorrow, the day after tomorrow visibility screen, be parting blessing. Here you have laid a good foundation, I wish you good day mood. But the Internet should not be too frequent, time not too long, especially late at night. take care of themselves. Jiang F, Wang rain tears the book. the mood has seriously hurt the feelings of observation, Mr. Yu! I have no make up, only deep remorse. I replied: your health, happiness, to find a new source of good mood. Sir, you give love and help of wind, the wind will never forget! meet again in future, sir, do not take the wind as a stranger ah! wish happy all the way, Mr. , all the way to happiness! wind weeping tears of farewell. But let Mr.
can swamp out mood, but also their mood of the sky on a clear sky Korea.
(b) moving, let me fly like rain
tears not yet finished my diary, in the process of revision, the guilty blame the tears continued to flow forward, saw the dim glass and dancers long message multiple sister, and their comfort to ease my mind a little heavy. Then another sister to the console to see Ching Lin said: Hug the wind passed away my sister, want to open more. There, Mr. Mr. Xiang Wangyu Yunchang sent a blessing: bless the old man, wish you a long open mouth smile. What touched me even
is not very familiar with only a few met at a friend's home also came to this small rainy night expressed her good wishes: I hope he can stay, I think we will not let him down. I know I am afraid to stay longer justified, but saw little rain at night, I went though the possibility of Mr. Jiang Lou had deserted house, the results of the small rainy night to see Mr. message:
Mr. Wang Yu, is that you left out those of us younger people. If I can, I hope you give us the opportunity to work with you to write text, chat, and I think we will not let you be disappointed. by her sister's message:
, or do not leave it with regret. In that case, we would be very unfortunate. Wind Hedeheneng, to the concern of so many friends!
Mr. Jiang Lou, I really hope you can feel good again, know you for your sincere friendship! Virtual, but real love!
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