Five minutes later, they had Woodcarver out of the tent. The place was still a madhouse, but gone deathly quiet to Johanna's ears. She'd helped the Queen onto her carriage, but after that no one would let her near. Even Pilgrim, so eager to translate everything the day before, brushed her aside. "It will be okay," was all he said as he ran to the front of the carriage and grabbed the reins of the shaggy Whatsits. The carriage pulled out, surrounded by several packs of guards. For an instant, the weirdness of the Tines world came crashing back on Johanna. This was a obviously a great emergency. A person might be dying. People were rushing this way and that. And yet.... The packs drew into themselves. No one crowded close. No one could touch another. The instant passed, and Johanna was running out of the tent after the carriage. She tried to keep to the heather along the muddy path, and almost caught up. Everything was wet and chill, gunmetal gray. Everyone had been so intent on the test -- could this be more Flenser treachery? Johanna stumbled, went down on her knees in the mud. The carriage turned a corner, onto cobblestones. Now it was lost to sight. She got up and slogged on through the wet,
复件 (5) 复件 air max1, but a little slower now. There was nothing she could do, nothing she could do. She had made friends with Scriber, and Scriber had been killed. She had made friends with Woodcarver, and now.... She walked along the cobbled alley between the castle's storehouses. The carriage was out of sight, but she could hear its clatter on ahead. Vendacious' security packs ran in both directions past her, stopping briefly in side niches to allow opposing traffic by. Nobody answered her questions -- probably none of them even spoke Samnorsk. Johanna almost got lost. She could hear the carriage, but it had turned somewhere. She heard it again behind her. They were taking Woodcarver to Johanna's place! She went back, and a few minutes later was climbing the path to the two-storey cabin she had shared with Woodcarver these last weeks. Johanna was too pooped to run anymore. She walked slowly up the hillside,
Slendertone System Abs, vaguely aware of her wet and muddy state. The carriage was stopped about five meters short of the door. Guard packs were strung out along the hill,
复件 (58) air max1, but their bows weren't nocked. The afternoon sunlight found a break in the western clouds and shone for a moment on the damp heather and glistening timbers,
复件 (5) air max1, lighting them bright against dark sky above the hills. It was a combination of light and dark that had always seemed especially beautiful to Johanna. Please let her be okay. The guards let her pass. Peregrine Wickwrackscar was standing around the entrance,
复件 (91) air max1, three of him watching her approach. The fourth,
复件 (34) air max1, Scarbutt, had its long neck stuck through the doorway, watching whatever was inside. "She wanted to be back here when it happened," he said. "What h-happened?" said Johanna. Pilgrim made the equivalent of a shrug. "It was the shock of that cannon going off. But almost anything could have done it." There was something odd about the way his heads were bobbing around. With a shock Johanna realized the pack was smiling, full of glee. "I want to see her!" Scarbutt backed hastily away as she started for the door. Inside there was only the light from the door and the high window slits. It took a second for Johanna's eyes to adjust. Something smelled ... wet. Woodcarver was lying in a circle on the quilted mattress she used every evening. She crossed the room and went to her knees beside the pack. The pack edged nervously away from her touch.