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Old 08-05-2011, 04:27 PM   #1
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Default girls nike wind max 动车事故拷问央企垄断机制 设备

  “应用型的产品都应该交给市场,不应该被央企垄断起来。现在需要对央企现有的经营产品链条进行重新思考 ,央企是不是在经营这个产品的产业链中形成垄断,这个产业链中是不是有些行业应该放给市场,让民营企业让市 场竞争企业介入,而不是单独的一家来垄断。”张孝德说。记者吴黎华 实习记者张彬周煌

  而据媒体报道,中国通号旗下全资子公司沈阳铁路信号有限责任公司(原沈阳铁路信号工厂)、天津铁路信号 有限责任公司(原天津铁路信号工厂)等企业原本皆属于铁道部下属企业。正是在这种情况下,铁道部、通号集团 以及一系列涉及高铁产业的公司有着千丝万缕的联系。
  调查组组长、国家安全监管总局局长骆琳则强调,调查不放过任何一个环节、细节,也绝不回避广大人民和社 会舆论关心和热议的任何一个问题。要通过对各方面的认真深入调查,确保事实原因彻底调查清楚,确保调查结论 科学严谨,经得起历史检验,louboutin heel。要切实做好调查工作,严肃认真彻底查清,依法依规给遇难家属和全社会一个交代。
  垄断会导致市场竞争失灵,而破除垄断的最好方法就是引入竞争。陈剑认为,最重要的一点是要改革,打破这 种垄断,创造条件让民营企业进入。虽然《国务院关于鼓励和引导民间投资健康发展的若干意见》(简称“新36 条”)已经出台一年多,但是有些行业民营企业还是很难进入。另外,要对国有企业在市场经济中的定位进行广泛 讨论形成共识。

  孟雁北认为,在这种情况下,这些本应经过充分竞争的产品虽然形式意义上没有市场进入的障碍,相对应的管 制措施相对较少,但在特定的过程中间,竞争只是在表面层次上展开,实质意义上没有完成。实际上 ,air jordan xxiii,如果是指定性产品的话,会有非常多的指标,而如果是竞争性产品的话,竞争者之间会相互形成制约和监督,这 样能够相对保障产品的质量。(信号系统)作为竞争性产品却没有在实质意义上完成竞争,从而导致了对其的管理 和评价处于缺失的状态。
  “在中国,政企不分问题是一种‘痼疾’,虽讲了多年,但迄今很难说已经完全分 开,尤其在号称自然垄断行业更是如此。有的迄今还是‘政企合一’的体制,如铁路部 门。在国外,这些产业部门要么作为政府公司由政府按照公法体系来直接管理,要么政府依法对取得这些产业特许 经营权的私企业进行管制。但是在中国,这些产业部门(如今日之铁道部)的法律地位,究竟是何?政也?企也? 亦政也,亦企也。”著名经济学家常修泽对《经济参考报》记者表示。
  2008年5月,通号集团与中铁电气化局集团作为联合体,与沿海铁路浙江有限公司签订了新建甬温线的工 程合同,合同价格约为5亿元。根据合同,通号集团负责“通信信号专业”。在拿下系统集成的合同之后,通号集 团开始对工程进行分拆招标,中标单位包括佳讯飞鸿、世纪瑞尔以及通号集团旗下的卡斯柯信号有限公司、通号院 等十几家公司。

  “垄断最大的危害就是会让竞争机制失效。”孟雁北表示,市场机制要起到资源配置的作用,会极大地激发创 造性,girls nike air max,推动社会生产力发展,从法律层面来看,垄断就是消除和限制竞争的行为,一旦垄断的话,竞争就会被限制和消 除,市场配置资源的功能就会失效,整个社会的效率就会大打折扣。中国经济体制改革研究会副会长陈剑则对《经 济参考报》表示,垄断导致效率低下,导致资源浪费,导致资源闲置,导致两极分化,并易滋生腐败 。

  28日,有关部门公布了“7·23”甬温线特别重大铁路交通事故的初步调查结果,北京全 路通信信号研究设计院(以下简称“通号院”)和中国铁路通信信号集团公司(以下简称“通号集团”)顿时成为 众矢之的。然而,多位接受《经济参考报》记者采访的专家认为,这起事件背后所反映的,实际上是央企政企不分 ,对产业链形成垄断、在小范围内分配利益,进而丧失市场竞争的普遍现实。

  国家行政学院教授张孝德则对《经济参考报》记者表示,央企无限制没有边际的扩张导致市场竞争的失效。比 如,铁路部门在采购设备的时候使用企业内部、同行内部的设备,这不利于市场化、相互监督机制的形成。如果一 个垄断企业的所有产品都是内部采购,这种模式不能保证所采购产品是市场上最好的产品,采购前后对产品质量的 监控、监督是否按严格的程序进行,都会受到质疑。当垄断遏制了竞争的时候就会导致产品的选用和市场监督下降 。
  “它实际上是一个体制内的交易或者是一个相对封闭的交易圈。”中国人民大学法学院副教授孟雁北对《经济 参考报》记者表示,(信号系统)这种产品本身并不是一个指定性的产品,air max 90 premium,而是一个竞争性的产品。信号系统是一个竞争性的领域和竞争性的产品,它在形式意义上有竞争,但在实际意义 上没有竞争。它形成了一个利益圈,所有的利益在一个特定的圈子里来分配,这种分配可能是由于政策性原因、长 期的历史原因或者是利益的一致性造成的。
  实际上,铁道部、中国通号的情形仅仅是庞大的国有企业垄断中的一个小小的缩影。常修泽向记者提供的一份 数据显示,2006年,在中国垄断性行业固定资产投资中,铁路运输业的1966 .5亿元,有97.5%来自于国有控股,在其它包括邮政、烟草、城市公共交通、航空运输等行业,这个比例也 超过了80%。
  公开资料显示,christian louboutin blue 安理会将就利比亚局势举行非正式磋商,通号集团原隶属铁道部,2000年该集团与铁道部脱钩,划拨为国资委管辖。由于其与铁道部的历史渊源颇深 ,再加上身为央企,伴随着中国高铁的迅猛发展,通号集团的业务也急剧扩张。其网站公布的资料显示,通号集团 先后完成了武广高速、京津城际等多个重点工程的通信信号系统集成工程,目前正在参加京沪、哈大 等高铁建设。



  公开资料显示,通号院成立于1953年,是中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司(以下简称“中国通号)下属全 资企业。而中国通号则是由通号集团作为主发起人发起设立的,fashionable equilibrium plant 法意增派人员到利比亚 分析称战争仍将继续,通号集团目前是国资委直接监管的大型中央企业。诡异的是,中国通号的官方网站当天也同时挂出了该道歉信, 但随后即被删除。《经济参考报》记者当日多次拨打了通号集团新闻发言人、党委工作部部长杨万智的电话,但接 听其手机及座机的工作人员均表示杨部长正在忙,稍后会有公开对外发布的文件。截至发稿,记者仍未见到这份文 件对外发布。

  甬温线的监控系统由创业板上市公司世纪瑞尔提供。其2010年12月3日公布的《招股意向书》显示,2 010年1至9月,该公司的前5大客户中,就分别包括了通号集团和通号院。“2000年以来,全国新建、改 建主要干线有80%以上安装有本公司的行车安全监控系统软件产品。”世纪瑞尔表示。另外,glitter christian louboutin 穆巴拉克两儿子被拘留两,Wind资料还显示,在现任董事会成员中,世纪瑞尔的董事尉剑刚曾担任过铁道部通信信号总公司的软件中心 工程师。
  28日,tory burch nico,通号院对外公布《致“7·23”甬温线特别重大铁路交通事故死伤者及家属的道歉信》。当日 下午,通号院召开了新闻发布会,该公司党委宣传部部长田振辉在会上反复提及,作为参与建设单位之一对此事表 示哀悼,并称都是技术问题,一切要等国务院事故调查结果。当记者问及是否有公开招标时,田振辉说“不太了解 ,会按国家程序走”,当被问及监督是否到位,田振辉说“监督部门应该履职”。

  28日“7·23”甬温线特别重大铁路交通事故国务院调查组在温州召开全体会议。上海铁 路局局长安路生表示,根据初步掌握的情况分析,这起事故主要是由于温州南站信号设备在设计上存在严重缺陷, 遭雷击发生故障后,导致本应显示为红灯的区间信号机错误升级显示为绿灯,信号设备由通号院设计,2009年 9月28日投入使用。
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Old 08-05-2011, 04:30 PM   #2
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Reprinted from 229101016 at 18:48 on June 21, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: good health


1, drugs used in this report, mainly of food, absolutely non-toxic. -
2, to enable readers to understand, dose units are using the old system, such as: pounds, two, money, etc., and some bowl, is the general medium bowl. -
3, where the drugs are generally marked with a * to the drugstore to buy pharmacies. -
4, in the report about the vinegar, is usually vinegar, if you use white vinegar in the report unless otherwise specified. -
5, in the report about the liquor, is 50 degrees above the liquor. -
6, some diseases need to avoid certain food during treatment, if not during the treatment is diet, it will affect the efficacy. -
7, the report consists of three parts, each part of disease prevention and health knowledge are provided in the final of this report is a group of experts spent nearly ten years, read a lot of books and knowledge of health care, combined with the long popular among the ancient sort out the traditional recipe for the valuable information. It brings together many ancient name Fang, recipe, secret surgery, not only bring convenience for the people is necessary for each household reported data, and, for some in terms of Western medical professionals, but also a good reference. -

civil utility moving (on) -
First, the Division -

1, since the beginning of a cold: light blue (even have), ginger slices 5 money, water, a bowl of fried open, add appropriate amount of heat by a dose of brown sugar (no onion ginger dose), and immediately went to sleep, sweating or more. -
2, several days of cold: Use the same first day, Also, before going to sleep at night, with garlic mash, apply two Zuxin (Yongquan, soy tablets per Zuxin can apply), cloth, thrown off the next morning , once every 2-3 days Jiyu. -
3, headache (all kinds of headaches can be): a white radish juice, two drops of each drop of the nose (both nostrils are drops), twice daily, once every 4-5 days, you can dig up the roots. Jichi pepper, pepper. -
4, dizziness (lightheadedness, dizziness): a duck, bean 20, stir boiling water, the morning flight, one day of this, for 7 days have effects. Avoid Chijiu, spicy. -
5, insomnia, dreams: before going to bed with a half-basin of hot water, add one or two of vinegar foot soak for 20 minutes, and the raw light blue 1-2 roots. -
6, dry cough (cold or other causes may be): raw black sesame seeds 3 money (about a spoon), crystal sugar, were broken open water the morning flight, 3 days recovery, eating fish. -
7, cough with sputum (including acute bronchitis, bronchitis, children, bronchitis): white radish twenty-two, pear two liang, a bowl of water with chopped cooked add appropriate amount of crystal sugar consumption, the second day used in conjunction 3 days. Phlegm. With Article IX with the use. -
8, Old bronchitis (chronic bronchitis): take the winter frost after playing one or two gourd vine *, licorice * a money, water, a bowl of decoction dose, the second day, once a half months to 20 days can cure. Avoid alcohol, spicy things, preferably with the use of Article IX. -
9,【乐清男儿】 简介, chronic cough (cough caused by emphysema and bronchitis, etc.): alum one or two, and research into the flour into a paste with vinegar, soy freshman group to take every night before bed deposited Zuxin (Yongquan, two -legged are deposited), cloth, thrown off the next morning for 7 days have effects. -
10, asthma (asthma in children with): dry earthworm * catty, fried yellow research into powder, with sugar water, blunt, a 2 money (about half a spoon flour) the second day, served Jiyu. Avoid spicy food thing. -
11, stomach pain, spit acid, ptosis of the stomach,air max 95 激安, gastric inflammation: the first time in a couple of garlic, charred skin, plus a bowl of water to a boil, add the amount of sugar fasting food, the second day for 7 days to cure. -
12, stomach ulcer twelve fat: 30 Chaojiao research egg shell powder, wheat flour, half a catty Chaojiao, even with the shake, morning and evening meals available. Boiled water, a 2 money (about half a spoon), the second day, usually a pair of cure serious illness to be the second payment. -
13, hypertension, hyperlipidemia: * one or two of celery seed, wrapped with gauze and put 10 pounds of water decoction, early, middle and late drinking a cup. Not afraid of spicy, could, early in the evening eating raw garlic 2, a lower blood pressure, blood lipid effects. -
14, heart disease, coronary heart disease: the first one or two of peanut shells, green beans 5 money, will prepare a bowl of soup dose, the second day, take a half months. -
15, gastroenteritis, diarrhea: two each half Chaojiao with wheat flour, add water and mix thoroughly with the amount of sugar, before meals, clothing, day, 2-3 days of secondary effects. Jichi persimmon, banana, greasy. -
16, dyspepsia (indigestion with children): 4, two fried chicken skin nap research into yellow powder, sugar water before meals with a blunt, the second day, a 2 money (about half a spoon), children half a served to, Jichi snail. -
17, chest tightness, flatulence: white radish seeds * 5 money, will prepare a bowl of soup served three times a day, once every 3 days along with consumer product gas effect. -
18, neurasthenia: Porcine 1 two, add a spoon of honey, steamed food, once daily, ate 5-10 days. -
19, anemia: chickens, ducks, will the blood flow in a clean white paper, dried bunched up into powder, with wine transfer service, a half-spoon flour, the second day, and even served a half months. Avoid kelp. -
20, heat dry mouth: reed rhizome *, mung beans all 5 money, plus a bowl of water to boil, add appropriate amount of crystal sugar, to eat bean soup reed rhizome, served on the second, even for 3 days . Fluid lungs, Reduce Pathogenic Fire antipyretic. -
21, chronic hepatitis: time with Rhizoma Imperatae * In two burning soup bowl of water services, three times a day, which normally takes a half months service, avoid spicy things. -
22, gallbladder, kidney, urinary tract stones: The Gallus gallus domesticus, 50 grams of corn, fried a bowl of soup a dose, 2-3 times per day, and even served 10 days. Jichi liver, fat, egg yolk. -
23, acute and chronic renal inflammation: 4 blackfish around a double, to scales, intestine, green tea 2 money, including the use of wire strapped into the belly, plus a bowl of Shuizhu Shu, fish soup, day a agent , ate 10-15 days. Ji Jiu, salt, bananas, and ######ual intercourse. -
24, cholecystitis: melon seeds, bean fried a bowl of soup of the 5 money, one dose. Three times a day, once every 10 days. -
25, Diabetes: a porcine pancreas, melon skin a couple of add Shuizhu Shu, less add some oil, salt and spices (Do not add wine, sugar) eat, one day, ate 20 days. -
26, poor memory: a goose egg, stir into the bowl add the amount of sugar, steamed morning flight, ate 5 days, have a clear educational function of the brain, have effects on memory enhancement, Jichi kelp, pepper, animal blood, wine, green beans. -
27, difficulty in urination: willow leaves a couple of fried a bowl of soup a dose, the second day ,2-3 days to pass the urine clear. -
28, urinary incontinence (urinary urgency, can not control): Intestinal pair, washed and dried, fried yellow research into powder, rice wine delivery service, every time a money, three times a day, served Jiyu. Avoid ginger,エアマックス95 ブラック, spicy. -
29, urinary frequency (urinating more often): Health and leek seed * 3 two, and research into a powder, each 2 money with warm water, the second day, which normally takes 2-10 days service. Avoid tea, milk. -
30, constipation (dry stool guitar, bowel problems): a bowl with the cooked pumpkin, add lard 5, salt and eat the right amount of money and, once daily, once effective, 3, can be more. -
31, dysentery, diarrhea: two each with the garlic, set fire to the burned skin and cook soup bowl of water, air services, the second day, qd for 3 days to anti-inflammatory detoxification, treatment Jiuxie unhealed particularly effective . -
32, snore: pepper 5-10 tablets, a glass of water before going to bed with open blisters, cold water to be post-dose (pepper against the next), even for 5 days, will no snoring. -
33, hiccup: a small bar with a fingernail, light smelling, lasts. -
34, motion sickness: car cut a slice of ginger with the mouth when, or with a patch to the navel (this provision during pregnancy), education for severe motion sickness can be used with the two parties, there are special effects . -
35, stroke: a two-day drink only raw celery juice, mild disease who served a half months, who served from January can be more seriously ill, Jichi lamb, duck. -
36, neuropathy (also known as epilepsy, epilepsy sheep, crazy disease, Fox Tai Sin): * 3 two of dried peach, knife and cut into fine, divided into ten, each one, with a light at the onset of alum water delivery service, the second day, 5 Tianyi treatment, once every 3 courses. -
37, Hyperthyroidism: Dioscorea bulbifera * 9-12 grams, with three bowls into a bowl of water to cook once a day; another 50 grams of foam used 1 kg of liquor, served a two metabolic rate, 5-8 weeks significantly reduced. -
38, chronic enteritis: an egg, half of the two liquor, mix, every night before bedtime. -

two children Division -

39, children with influenza (including infants): ginger 5 money, half a bowl of boiled water, add brown sugar to open dose, the second day, 2 days more. -
40, pertussis (and baby asthma): garlic head, peeled and smashed add sugar 3 money, more than half of a couple of hours later washed with water, two days to cure cough, asthma infants, have effects. -
41, enuresis in children: a Health and light blue, smashed every night before bed deposited navel, cloth, thrown off the next morning, 3-5 days, cured. -
42, Yeti: adults with a handful of green tea chew put in the mouth, apply every night before bed pediatric navel, cloth, thrown off the next morning, 3 days. -
43, infantile diarrhea, abdominal distension: a garlic, charred skin, then with half a bowl of water to a boil, add the amount of sugar served soup, once daily, usually two or three days to digestion and diarrhea. -
44, night sweats (night sweats with adult): Lao Doufu half a catty, cut paste pot firing bar, plus a bowl of water, sugar amount, Shao Tang Pakistan together with food, every night before bedtime for 3 days recovery . -
45, play worms: raw pumpkin seeds 20, shelled before meals, flight attendants, one eating the next day with the insects to defecate. -
46, regular anal itching: a wound moist paste solution, affixed to the anus on the bed each night, thrown off the next morning, once every three days. -
47, Xiaoeryanshi (do not think of a meal): Hawthorn * 3 money, chicken skin a nap money, plus bowl Shui Zhushu before meals eaten, the second day, ate for three days, with appetizer, digestive effect. -
48, abdominal pain (abdominal pain with adult): deposited with an orange peel in the navel. Salt and then half a catty sizzling (not too hot), deposited in the orange peel, the pain immediately. -
49, eating junk: leek half a catty, not chopped,エアマックス95 激安, fry some more lard, once eaten, debris can be discharged with the stool. -
50, molar: a raw orange peel to eat before going to bed every night, ate 2-3 days, treating pediatric and adult sleep molars. -
51, drooling (adults, elderly people with sleep drool method): Loach half a catty, gutted roasted research into powder, rice wine blunt, a second money, once daily, can be served. -
52, calcium deficiency in children: 5 money each with shrimp, seaweed and a two, with soup, salt, edible oil, used in conjunction half a day. -
53, mumps: 1:1 with vinegar and ink well, with a brush dipped in this, applied to the affected area 5-6 times a day, usually two or three days cheeks swollen from the consumer. -
54, intestinal gas: 5 ginger juice money, give children a bath, until the whole body sweating, rubbing the affected area with the ginger, the second day, once every three or four days later no recurrence. -
55, the examination room sedative prescription: students writing the exam immersive battlefield, often due to excessive tension, so that your produce palpitation, the phenomenon of stage fright, and thus can not function properly and fallen off. This paper introduces a unilateral: Suanzaoren *, green beans and one each in two to cook a bowl of soup once finished, the second day, power to begin serving two days before the exam, to test the end, there are sedative effect. -

with: disease prevention and health knowledge (a) -

1, why the food easy to eat baked cancer: baking food for fuel will produce large amounts of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and called 3,4 - styrene ratio of carcinogenic substances, these substances will be left in food, so people can easily eat a lot of cancer. -
2, what to eat vegetables easy poisoning: 1), germination, blue potatoes poisonous. 2) fresh lily (that is, day lily) toxic. 3) is not preserved through the food. 4) overnight cooked cabbage, leeks cooked dishes will be converted to nitrite, nitrate, nitrite is a strong carcinogen, cooked cabbage, cooked a long time not to eat the leek release. -
3, children should not eat preserved eggs: preserved egg in the process of adding a lead oxide material, this material toxic, affecting intelligence -
4, Black ginger should not eat: Black ginger are extremely toxic, can be necrosis of liver cells. -
5, soybean oil can not be eaten raw: raw soybean oil contains benzene, benzene can damage the human hematopoietic system, so do cold dishes and dumplings depression should not use raw soybean oil, soybean oil, such as the pot will boil cooked, benzene evaporated. -
6, long cooking water can not eat: the overnight and prolonged boiling water boiling water and thermos of boiling water in Africa the day, contain a substance called sub-ammonium nitrate, the material is strong carcinogens. -
7, fish, meat and burned not eat: fish, meat and other meat dishes, burned it will produce a known carcinogen styrene ratio. -
8, Mo married men eat Coke: Coca-Cola, the body can kill sperm, so men want their children to refrain from eating after marriage. -
9, eat the tender fried liver harmful: the pig liver is a detoxification organ, the liver inclusive of a small amount of toxin, if not stir thoroughly, and eat harmful. -
10, avoid seafood which fruit? Persimmons, grapes pomegranates, Shancha, bananas, these fruits contain tannic acid. Tannic acid and seafood in the calcium-binding, will form a hard to digest the material, the sky Duteng, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea and so on. -
11, what foods easy to make black skin? Eat liver, kidney, red bean, black sesame,エアマックス パープル, mullet, espresso, easy to make the skin black. -
12, what foods easy to make the skin whitening? Generally yellow green food such as celery, spinach, onions, apples, carrots and so on. -
13, what to eat milk four bogey? 1) Jichi brown sugar, 2) avoid red eggs 3) avoid unfamiliar 4) avoid using vacuum flask fitted. -
14, Which Five Note to eat milk? 1) Avoid brown sugar 2) avoid freezing 3) Avoid mixed with water 4) bogey flight 5) Avoid clothes with the same tonic. -
15, diesel oil, rice crust should not eat: diesel oil, rice crust contains more than styrene, styrene ratio is carcinogenic substances, it should not eat.


civil utility earthwork (in) -
III, Surgery -

56, arthritis, frozen shoulder (including rheumatic, rheumatoid arthritis): consumption of fine salt 1 kg, put the pot sizzling, add onions to be, ginger 3 money, together with cloth, wrap the affected area while hot to cold salt; once daily, once a week, with the effect of dampness Herd. -
57, injured workers back pain: * one or two leaves, one or two crab shell yellow fried, dip a pound of liquor, wine coated the waist three days, 2-3 times a day, 7-10 days, can be cured for many years low back pain. -
58, renal deficiency, low back pain: silk seeds half a catty, fried yellow research into a powder. Liquor delivery service, every time a money, the second day, served Jiyu. The governing party also low back pain after childbirth . -
59, sciatica: a pound of edible thin salt, sizzling Hou Jiayi leaves * one or two, wrap the affected area with a cloth to salt and cold, one day, once every 5-10 days. (Salt can be repeated every day use). -
60, cervical pain: sheep bones (raw, cooked may be) two two smashed fried yellow, dip white wine 1 kg, three days after wiping the neck, three times a day, usually 15 days, however, can cure. -
61, bone spurs (hyperostosis): couple of dog bones, smashed fried yellow dip white wine 1 kg, three days after the affected area with rubbing alcohol (preferably with a cup of food for this wine), three times a day , needed a half months can be more. -
62, leg cramps: * one or two mulberry fruit, fried one drink a bowl of soup, the second day, 5 days recovery. -
63, numbness of the limbs: * one or two old loofah bars, fried a bowl of soup a dose, the second day, and even served a week, with special effects. -
64, internal and external hemorrhoids: a large cement per day, will cover removed. Money into borneol * 1, 5 minutes after taking anal painted cement water 2 times a day, 7 days recovery, avoid Chijiu, spicy thing. -
65, shot agglomeration: the potatoes cut into half cm thick slices and wrap the affected area, and then hot towels cover, the second day, a 20-minute mass dissipation ,2-3 days. -
66, body odor: pepper, pepper the 50, and research into powder, then add borneol * 2 money, with medical alcohol and mix thoroughly, take a day a small group of painted surface of the skin and attached with adhesive tape good for one day, once a half can be eradicated. -
67, crooked eye and mouth (facial nerve palsy): eel blood painted face, painted on the left of the left askew, and wipe with the palm of your hand from left to right repeatedly, every 2 minutes, the second day , to do the right anti-distortion is, once a three or four days is positive.
68, prolapse of the rectum (anus when stool off solution): Each with a leek half a catty, 2 pounds boiled water to wash the anus opening, the second day, wash three days. -
69, stiff neck (as a pillow or sleeping position discomfort caused by neck pain): leek juice heated neck rub, rub seven or eight days. 2-3 days to cure. -
70, quit smoking: a couple of dried pumpkin vine *, fried Tonga amount of brown sugar a serving bowl, three times a day, 7 days and never want to smoke. -
71, alcohol: a live eel, put a bottle of liquor, dip two days after the wine, 1 1-2 two or three times a day, will never want to drink alcohol after serving drop of wine. -
72, alcohol is not drunk: Gegen * 1 money, drink water before drinking a cup and then drink alcohol solvable, so people will not drunk. -
73, scabies (old rotten feet): sizzling tofu, wrap the affected area with cloth, for one day, cure bad feet long-suppressed shut. -
74, lymphatic system: inquiry into the snail shells fried yellow powder, sesame oil and mix thoroughly with dressing the affected area for one day, once every 7-10 days. -
75, longevity health wine: magnet, fleece-flower root *, jujube, walnut, medlar * the one or two, dip white wine or rice wine jin, two days after eating at regular drinker at the wine, such as the elderly can face ruddy Changyin to enhance resistance to disease, a delay aging effect. Fourth, Dermatology -
76, skin itch: fresh chives, Taomi Shui, with a good weight by 1:10, first soak for two hours and then boil together with chives, leeks and washing itches or to bathe once effective, not washed with water over the body, one day, never again to wash the day itch. -
77, psoriasis, stubborn psoriasis (psoriasis): Oriental Arborvitae *, sage *, each 200 grams Tribulus terrestris * 40 grams, a total of research thick end, put gauze bags, boiling water, boiled small fires 6 kg cook for 30 minutes, coated wash the affected area 3 times a day. -
78, neurodermatitis (or allergies, or seasonal occurrence): Lao Doufu three, four ounces Chaojiao, coated with sesame oil and mix thoroughly the affected area 3 times a day, three or four days have effects. -
79, eczema (skin from the red spots, blisters, itching): 3 with two Chaojiao inquiry into the mung bean powder, vinegar and mix thoroughly coated with the lesion, the second day, and even painted a week to cure. Avoid pepper, pepper. -
80, hives, prickly heat: daily fresh leek juice coated surface of the skin, one that was effective, three times a day ,2-3 days Jiyu. -
81, Vitiligo: ebony * 30-50 grams of alcohol, soaked in 100 ml of 95%, 2 weeks after the filter alum * plus 5 ml DMSO, rub the affected area 3 times a day, every Rub 5 minutes. -
82, luck, athlete's foot: two raw garlic, peeled and soaked into the 3 days within half a catty vinegar, garlic and then rub the affected area 3 times a day. Used 7-10 days, anti-inflammatory effects and kill bacteria. -
83, hand sweat, sweat too much: alum * 5 money, hot water, 2 pounds, with melted dipping hands and feet, a 10-minute, let the natural air dry after dipping, once daily, 5 days after the normal hands and feet sweat. -
84, hand, foot and cracking, rough: raw lard twenty-two, add sugar 1 money. Even wiping the hands and feet pound a day 2-3 times. Grams of the more common 7 days, then rub a few days later and never relapse. -
85, frostbite is not broken: 5 money pointed pepper, white wine or alcohol into the bottle with half a catty Baptist 3 days after the beginning of frostbite, skin irritation fever coated surface of the skin, day five,16 micro-blog on the quotations, put it so well!, with special effects , Used ten days to half recovery root, in the coming year and never relapse. -
86, frostbite has been broken: old cotton (the more worn the better) burning ash, coated with sesame oil and mix thoroughly the affected area three times a day. -
87, Liriodendron wind, onychomycosis: vinegar 1 kg Aozhi half a catty, add a peeled garlic, two future second hand dip with vinegar every day, once for 10 minutes, then washed with water immersion, 7 days can be. -
88, sore, boil, boil: raw potato mash, coated surface of the skin with a cloth, for a day, usually 5 days can be. -
89, corns, Hou child: first the external surface of the skin eliminate old skin, and then coated with cool oil, fire, cigarettes smoked, to insist on a little pain when removed after the fireworks, the second day, 5 days off is not fat. -
90, burns: You can use egg white, sugar water, vinegar, honey, as soon as painted in the burn wound, they will not blister and easy to good. -
91, Meteors, erysipelas (more patients in the lower limbs, skin redness, swelling, pain and fever associated with chills, fever, headache): leaf juice mixed with fresh golden loofah powder * into a paste, coated with the lesion , oral three Miao Wan * proprietary wonders. -
92, mosquito bites (redness, itching): You can use garlic, ginger rub or vinegar, toothpaste, salt water, cigarette ash, add water and mix thoroughly coated, immediate results can be itching, swelling detoxification. -

five, gynecological, male subjects -

93, women, vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea more, smell): a raw egg from a knock a small hole into the seven eggs, white pepper, the paper sealed in boiling water to the pepper eggs, each Day one, ate one week, Jichi blood, green beans. -
94, irregular menstruation (to advance or delay both by 7 days): dry Oujie half a catty, fried yellow research into powder, liquor delivery service, three times a day, a 2 money, you can each month served to by . -
95, vaginal bleeding (heavy periods too): black fungus 3 two to stem speculation and research into powder, brown sugar, water delivery service, a 3 money, the second day. -
96, amenorrhea (girls 18 years old in February after more than non-pregnant women not to menstruation): eggplant slices roasted research into a powder. Wine delivery service, the second day, a 5 money, ten days can be more . -
97, dysmenorrhea (pain during menstruation): the first one or two bars with loofah, burning a bowl of soup served, the second day, 7 days recovery. -
98, outside the Yin Yang: one or two very light blue root, pepper 10, with Jianshui bowl, wash the genitals, twice a day, a total wash for 3 days. -
99, post-Queru: * 5 lettuce seed money, Jiantang a bowl, add sugar a dose, the second day, 5 days after the milk is sufficient. -
100, pre-knowledge of men and women: the urine of pregnant women early in the morning instillation of two drops of the first medical alcohol, red are for men, no change for women. -
101, female infertility: a raw egg to open a small hole into the saffron * 0.5 sen, and then steamed eggs, one day, ate a month, (after a clean start to the menstrual eat). -
102, uterus, ovarian tumor: Red 6 grams, 30 grams of black beans,--- A man a long time, addictive --- - Qzone log, Shuijianbi to eat black beans and saffron soup, 2 times. -
103, Male infertility: a day with sparrows, remove hair and internal organs, the Tusi seed money into the sparrow * 2 belly, wrapped in steamed eat sparrows, once a half months, married men can be cured After the long- suppressed fertility. -
104, impotence (men's penis can not erect): magnet (magnet) 5 money, rooster testicles 5, liquor soaked pound, three days later by the amount of Chijiu often, it generally takes to eat a half to January. ( Magnet can be used repeatedly.) If not Chijiu, and the daily two cock testicles fried food, ate a half months to January, full recovery of function. -
105, emission (sleeping dreaming stream fine): Son of a kidney, cut into 2 leek seed * money tied up with the line steamed, then chopped oil salt to eat, one day, ate four or five kidneys. -
106, premature ejaculation (premature ejaculation during intercourse men): Yan Huang leek seeds * half a catty, with wine delivery service, a 2 money, three times a day, served the cure. -
107, intestinal gas: salt half a catty sizzling, add pepper 20 grains, cloth, wrap the injured area to the salt, cool, once daily, preferably before bed, once every 4,5 days of special effects. -
108, male ######ual dysfunction (impotence not only the focus of power is not weakened, more common in the elderly and infirm, but also caused by excessive ######ual intercourse): live one or two large freshwater shrimp, or shrimp, white wine 1 kg, 5 days after the date by regular Baptist Chijiu drinker, the wine after the shrimp fry to eat. Used a half months, a yin tonic, aphrodisiac, the male hormone supplement and enhance the effectiveness of ######ual function. -
109, prostatitis: 0.5 grams of musk and white pepper 7, research into Ximo, bottling use. The umbilical washed with alcohol, the musk into the navel, the pepper and then cover the top, cover with a white circle, external tape snapping, dressing 1 every 7-10 days, 10 to 1 course of treatment. -
110, prostatic hypertrophy: melon seeds * 30 grams, 15 grams of black fungus, Qin skin * 15 grams, Shuijianbi, Japan 2 times. -
with: disease prevention and health knowledge (b) -

1, how to prevent hair loss? 1) wash it, do not use alkaline soap. 2) ground hair, use a comb. 3) Avoid chemical hair dye. 4) eat too spicy, too sour. 5) often remain cheerful. -
2, how to prevent facial wrinkles? 1) The wash water should be 30-40 degrees. 2) Regular facial massage. 3) before going to bed at night put some appropriate Cream. 4) Do not eat the long- term use of unilateral teeth. 5) Do not be too high pillow. 6) less to do the following actions: Tuosai, nose picking, teeth, biting his lips, whistling, strabismus wry mouth, suck drinks through a straw. -
3, How to prevent insomnia? Less about too many things before going to bed, avoid drinking tea, before going to bed do not use the brain, and feet with hot vinegar. -
4, women's menstrual bogey six: avoid the cold cold, Jichi tea, too hot, drink cold bogey, bogey tub and swimming, avoid intercourse, avoid fatigue. -
5, how to give birth to a baby with higher intelligence? 1) delayed marriage and childbearing. 2) pregnant women avoid spicy food. 3) Pregnant women are often optimistic mood. 4) pregnant and lactating women avoid drinking coffee, tea and cola drinks as these drinks contain caffeine, caffeine can induce malformations and future generations of fetal brain damage. -
6, how to make kids smarter? Research shows that if children eat goose, pigeon, head, would be more intelligent. -
7, who can not take a nap? Frequent insomnia and excessive weight or people over the age of 65, heart disease and myocardial infarction patients. -
8, which patients can not have ######? Suffering from infectious diseases, ######ually transmitted diseases, recovering from illness or disease in women after pregnancy or menstruation, heart disease, hypertension, hepatitis, nephritis, cancer patients. -
9, who can not eat candy? Stomach, kidney disease, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, hepatitis, neurasthenia patients. -
10, bogey nine elderly care: avoid fullness, too sweet, salty, thick and greasy, tobacco, overjoyed furious, long-squatting, lethargy, constipation. -
11, which people should not eat beer? Gastritis and ulcer patients, nursing mothers, and Secretary of urinary stones and liver disease, children. -
12, which people should not eat crabs? Fever, stomach problems and ulcers, hepatitis, diarrhea, cholecystitis, gallstones and other patients. -
13, which of four children's lives should not be? Should not wear colored lens, not sleeping spring bed, should not wear high heels, not perm. -
14, with a low table eating so what harm? Shi Zhi product gas, affecting digestion. -
15, by electrical switches or plugs Why take the best right-handed? Because of the human heart on the left, with his left hand in case of leakage, very dangerous. -

earthwork civil utility (under) -
VI ENT ​​-

111, toothache (neurological, allergic, pain, tooth decay may be): 10 tablets pepper, white wine or two, the pepper soaked in wine, the ten minutes after the mouth with wine, a few minutes that is effective, a 2 times every 10 minutes, 3-4-day recovery. -
112, periodontitis, gingivitis: with an equal amount of egg white, stir a drink, including the mouth, spit out after 5 minutes, the second day (day one egg), 2-3 days of anti-inflammatory pain. -
113, dental bleeding (often caused by bleeding or brush your teeth): 10 tablets pepper, vinegar two or three, dip two days after the mouth with a time 3 minutes 2 times a day for 5 days have effects. -
114, electro-optical nature of pink eye: the eye employing trickle-down milk, eyes closed for 10 minutes, the second day, a second drop, with special effects, avoid spicy. -
115, conjunctivitis (pink eye non-EO): The green tea water, wash 3-5 times a day, usually 2-3 days of anti-inflammatory anti-bacterial effect. Avoid Chijiu, spicy thing. -
116, tearing eyes, trachoma: dry mulberry leaf * 1 two, plus a bowl of water to a boil, wash 3-5 times a day, once a week. -
117, vision loss (the old light, the old flowers, depending on the material is unclear): White Chrysanthemum * 2 money, medlar * 2 money, with the water brewing day (one can be soaked three times), and even drink half to January, with the effect of water eyesight. Avoid spicy food thing, kelp. -
118, steal the eye of a needle: The needle with the needle nose repeatedly rubbing the affected area, and squeeze a little harder, 2-3 times a day, not the 2nd can be cured. -
119, cataracts (cloudy crystal, so vision loss): * 250 grams Tribulus terrestris, Yang Gan 250 grams, 200 grams of sugar, and research for the end of 15 grams per serving, served on the 2nd, 8 weeks effective . -
120, glaucoma (high pressure inside the eye, corneal edema, or was hazy, vision loss): a pair of pig eyes, plus a couple of cooked green beans, and then refuel, Salt to taste, to eat one day , ate and a half months to make it easy for the eyes, eyes bright. -
121, otitis media (ear long pipeline, the flow concentration, pain): 5 fresh leek juice money, adding alum half the money, melted drops of the ear, a 1-2 drops 2 times a day for 5 days. -
122, tinnitus and deafness: Angelica * 15 money, black beans 30 grams, 30 grams of brown sugar, Shuijianbi, 2 times, 2 weeks effective. Chrysanthemum * 30 grams, reed rhizome * 30 grams, 30 grams of melon skin *, Shuijianbi, 2 times a day, 2 weeks effective. -
123, insect ears: The cat urine drop, ear drop, the bugs will be automatically out. (Cat urine extraction method: a large flap with garlic, peeled and rub cat nose, cat or pee). -
124, mouth sores (also known as Yang Wu sores in the mouth called oral ulcers): vinegar, mix equal amount of distilled water, coated surface of the skin, day 5, once every 2-3 days, can be anti -inflammatory analgesic, with excellent results. -
125, sore throat (throat dry and pain, foreign body sensation, acute and chronic can be): a green tea bubble tea about 2 two of water, add half the two honey stir well, and throat rinse several times a day slow swallow, one day, 3-5 days, anti-inflammatory analgesic, wet throat, treatment of acute and chronic pharyngitis. Jichi tobacco, alcohol, spicy food of all there is. -
126, tonsillitis (initiated by the two sides of throat swelling, pain, general, mainly in the cold after): black fungus twelve, fried dry research into the powder, each with a half spoon of oral powder and honey and mix thoroughly, even the second day for 5 days and never have a relapse (the side when tonsillitis attacks are used). -
127, sound mute (cough, talk too much, singing, causes such as the well done sound dumb): egg, into the bowl, a piece of vinegar, stir steamed food, day one agent, ate 2-3 days , the sound loud. Avoid spicy. -
128, bad breath: * reed rhizome (fresh and dry can be) one or two, add crystal sugar bowl decoction taken orally, once daily, morning flight, and even served a week. Qinghuo detoxification, stomach fire heat treatment. -
129, Fishbone card throat: the lesser of vinegar with a good drink can. If not, use a spoon to drink saliva duck, fish bone can be automated away. (Taking ducks saliva method: using a ginger and put it into the beak, and then hung upside down duck, duck that is drooling.) -
130, rhinitis (including allergic, atrophic, and sinusitis, some discharging water, the nose more, and some smelling insensitive): Use a piece of yellow brick, set on fire burns, remove, will be a spoon pour vinegar on the hot bricks, when there are a lot of hot air on the risk, patients with the smell of its hot, the second day for 7 days, the elimination heat, inflammation, detoxification Tongqiao, cure various types of rhinitis, with special effects. -
131, nosebleeds: Oujie *, reed rhizome * equivalent, together with chopped, fried a bowl of water to drink, the second day, once every 5, the heat to stop bleeding, and never relapse. -

seven, beauty -

132, except facial wrinkles: two spoons of fresh cucumber juice, add equal amount of egg white (about one egg), stir, wash your face every night before bedtime, and then apply facial wrinkles at the next morning wash with warm water, once a half to January, the gradual contraction of the skin, eliminate wrinkles have effects.
133, thick black skin: skin whitening by the cosmetic, can only temporarily cover up, rule table is not a cure, a cure is to introduce you to the table while the real root of the problem can make the skin white whitening recipe, both simple and special effects: Use white vinegar 5:1 mixture of glycerol by, and often rub the skin (day two / three) can make the skin moist, reduce melanin deposition, after January, soft white skin that is delicate, clean smooth and elastic, full of beauty. (This side is valid for genetic black).
134, in addition freckles: Almond * 5 money, and research into a fine powder, mix thoroughly with egg, painted face every night before bed, wash with warm water next morning, a day 10-the 15th time markedly, not later hair.
135, cinnamon classes Hudie Ban: melon juice / white vinegar the same amount, and mix thoroughly coated face, 2-3 times per day for 10 minutes and wash after coating, once a half months in addition to the net.
136, except facial pigmented spots: fresh tomato juice honey, mixed at 5:1, coated face, wash off after 10 minutes, once every 10-15 days, can break down melanin, the skin become ruddy.
137, except acne (wine thorn Qingchun Dou acne): fresh cucumber juice equal amount of white vinegar and mix thoroughly, wash with hot water first and then painted face, three times a day, after James had 10 minutes with warm water to wash away, once a half months to heal, after not old.
138, in addition mole: scorched peanut mashed, mix thoroughly with alcohol, painted moles, painted every night before bed and wrap the next morning to wash away, once a half months can be in addition (to be painted a large mole months).
139, hair loss dandruff head itch: each with mulberry root bark * 4 money, water jin, boil wash your hair once a day, washed with water not too far for 5 days, can promote the scalp cycle, the role of a solid fat, and treatment dandruff / head itch, renewable hair.
140, Alopecia / bald: by 134 to use, and rub the scalp with the old ginger 3-5 times daily, and 134 with the use of a half months, after a month or two will not re-grow a thick hair.
141, hair brightening: Beer 2:1 mixture of vinegar, the daily moisture with a towel, apply a hair once, once a half months.
142, white hair black: Polygonum * the couple of black sesame seeds, dry fried with crush them with sugar water transfer service, each 3 money, once daily, and even served a half months, can be healthy kidney fat, Avoid beans. -
143, weight: dry lotus leaf * * 1:2 dried gourd with a good skin, soak a pound a day about one or two of hot water to drink, there are thick and greasy to the hands of the oil scraping effect , avoid fat meat.
144, lean people gain weight: two eggs, playing in a bowl, add tomato sauce natives and the amount of sugar a spoon, with the same amount of open water into a half-cooked food once a day, morning flight ( which can also eat the rare yellow egg) ate in January, the future will gradually gain weight.
145, teeth whitening: The salt baking soda the same amount, to join transferred into a toothpaste-like, brush your teeth once a day ,3-4 days for all except the surface stain teeth, making teeth white.
146, except hairs beard (hirsutism): the old battery powder base powder volume, and mix thoroughly with medical alcohol,エアマックス メンズ, over 5 minutes to automatically wash away a day 7 days a 5-hairs beard that automatically fall off, there will be no recurrence of skin allergies in this side, no stimulation, no side effects.
eight grams of food relative to -

no right to eat within two hours, picking the relevant health books. -
1, egg avoid saccharin? - with food poisoning, deaths -
2, tofu bogey honey? - with fresh deafness -
3, kelp bogey pig - with fresh constipation -
4, potatoes, bananas bogey - with fresh raw freckles -
5, brown sugar, beef bogey - with food inflation dead -
6, dog bogey eel - with food is dead -
7, mutton bogey snail - with fresh food plot bloating -
8, celery avoid rabbits - with fresh off the hair -
9, tomato bogey bean - with fresh debilitating -
10, crab bogey persimmon - with fresh diarrhea -
11, bogey goose pear - with fresh kidney injury -
12, onion bogey honey - with fresh eye injury -
13, blackfish bogey eggplant - with fresh pain in his stomach -
14, Turtle bogey amaranth - with food poisoning -
15, preserved eggs, brown sugar bogey - made with fresh vomit -
16, ginseng bogey radishes - with the food product food stagnation gas -
17, liquor product persimmon - with fresh heart stuffy -

with: disease prevention and health knowledge (c) -

1, What are the benefits of drinking tea? Vibration spirit, by memory, in addition to fatigue, anti-tumor, anti-aging, helping to lose weight. -
2, the most powerful health care which kind of tea? Order is: green tea, jasmine tea, black tea. -
3, who should not drink tea? Pregnant women, women during menstruation and Pu Ru Qi, suffering from insomnia, constipation, anemia, ulcer disease, liver disease, hypertension, fever patients and blood donors who were not drinking. -
4, which of ten avoid drinking tea? Avoid fasting tea, hot tea, cold tea, tea, tea before going to bed, early tea, tea immediately after a meal, during the long brewing tea, tea and tea before meals and medication. -
5, Geye Cha can not drink? Geye Cha soak after a long period, not only completely non-nutritious, but also the reproduction of many harmful bacteria, such as drinking easily hurt the stomach, so it is best not to drink . -
6, how to choose the kinds of tea throughout the year? Chun Yi tea, summer should be green tea, green tea should fall and winter should be black. -
7, the new Cha Cha good or better Chen? As the saying goes, -
8, drink tea, OK? People drink alcohol in the person's liver into ethanol, and theophylline in tea rapidly into renal handling stolen goods, stimulating the kidneys too, will damage the kidney. -
9, tea can sober up? According to scientific research shows that tea did not break down alcohol in the composition, but also with the drink tea and wine Moreover, renal damage, so avoid drinking tea, especially tea. -
10, which of drinking eight bogey? Avoid excessive, drained bogey, bogey fasting drinking, avoid mixing alcohol, avoid sick alcohol, medication, after Ji Jiu, Ji Jiu after drinking tea, avoid pregnant women, children drink. -
11, why do not Chijiu the morning? Because from the beginning at 6 am, the body of ether gradually increased to reach the peak of 8:00, when drinking,マックス狩り, alcohol and ether combined, will make people feel tired all day . -
12, How to Solve drunk? Repeatedly touch with your fingers and chopsticks throat, so vomiting, drink bowls of water, then spit, play the role of gastric lavage; can use vinegar and water, soda water to drink next. -
13, who is not drinking? Stomach, urinary tract stones, liver disease, pregnant women and children are not drinking liquor, wine and beer. -
14, children drink any harm? Injured liver, and kidneys
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