Three hundred yards away,
复件 (25) air max1, deep in the experiment wing, a boy and a pack of puppies came across an unexpected piece of good luck: an unlocked door,
复件 (21) air max2, and a chance to play with Jefri's commset. The phone was more complex than some. It was intended for hospital and field work, for the remote control of devices as well as for voice talk. By trial and error,
复件 (99) air max, the two gradually narrowed the options. Jefri Olsndot pointed to numbers that had appeared on the side of the device. "I think that means we're matched with some receiver." He glanced nervously at the doorway. Something told him they really shouldn't be here. "That's the same pattern as on the radio Mr. Steel took," said Amdi. Not even one of his heads was watching the door. "I bet if we press it here, what we say will come out on his radio. Now he'll know we can help.... So what should we do?" Three of Amdi raced around the room, like dogs that couldn't keep their attention on the conversation. By now, Jefri knew this was the equivalent of a human looking away and humming as he thought. The angle of his gaze was another gesture, in this case a spreading and mischievous smile. "I think we should surprise him. He is always so serious." "Yeah." Mr. Steel was pretty solemn. But then all the adults were. They reminded him of the older scientists at the High Lab. Amdi grabbed the radio and gave him a "just watch this" look. He nosed on the "talk" switch and sang a long ululation into the mike. It sounded only vaguely like pack speech. One of Amdi translated, next to Jefri's ear. The human boy felt giggles stealing up his throat. In his den, Lord Steel was lost in scheming. His imagination -- loosed by herbs and brandy -- floated free, playing with the possibilities. He was settled deep in velvet cushions,
复件 (16) air max2, comfortable in the den's safety. The remaining candles shone faintly on the landscape mural, glinting from the polished furniture. The story he would tell the aliens, he almost had it now.... The noise on his desk began as a small thing,
复件 (76) air max2, submerged beneath his dreaming. It was mostly low-pitched, but there were overtones in the range of thought, like slices of another mind. It was a presence, growing. Someone is in my den,
Mbt Wave Shoes! The thought tore like Flenser's killing blade. Steel's members spasmed panic, disoriented by smoke and drink. There was a voice in the middle of the insanity. It was distorted, missing tones that any normal speech should have. It howled and quavered at him, "Lord Steel! Greetings from the Pack of Packs, the Lord God Almighty!" Part of Steel was already out the main hatch, staring wide-eyed at his guards in the hallway beyond. The troopers' presence brought a bit of calm, and icy embarrassment. This is nonsense. He tipped a head to the alien device on his desk. The echoes were everywhere, but the sounds originated in the far-talker.... There was no pack speech now, just the high-pitched slices of sound, mindless warbling in the middle range of thought. Wait. Behind it all, faint and low ... there were the coughing grunts he recognized as mantis laughter. Steel rarely gave way to rage. It should be his tool, not his master. But listening to the laughter, and remembering the words.... Steel felt black bloodiness rising in first one member and then another. Almost without thought, he reached back and smashed the commset. It fell instantly silent. He glared at the guards ranged at attention in the hallway. Their mind noise was quiet with stifled fear. Someone would die for this. Mr. Steel met with Amdi and Jefri the day after their success with the radio.